"It's so infectious!" -Kristin, who fell in love with my laugh. ♥

Feb 27, 2006 20:43

Okay. I really don't know when I'll get around to posting all of the details, or if I will at all. I know you guys want a full report from me, but it was just... I don't have any words. I cried. Kristin cried because I stood for her. It was just... I can't handle it. So I'll just post the pictures and explain some stuff as we go along. Okay? Okay.

Not cutting that, suck it. I tried to edit the mascara off my face because I look like I was hit by a truck in all of these. Let me just explain that I told myself I wouldn't cry. But when we went in and I was at the end of our little line and they said "No, no bring her to the front right now, Kristin wants to meet her now." I lost it. Mostly because she was the one who asked to meet me. I was sobbing like a baby. Kristin heard me sobbing and looked over and literally like flounced her way over and wrapped me in the biggest hug ever. I'm not even sure when we let go. Then she was like, "Now, you can't cry, because then I'll cry!" Somehow I stopped but still managed to get to her later - oops. And then she was like "Honey, honey can I give you a little tip? WATERPROOF!" and I died laughing. Mascara was everywhere, it was such a mess moving on...

Going in for the first hug. I love this picture. There's something about it - it's beautiful. Later, Kristin was like, "I am so grateful I didn't fall out of this dress!" We all laughed.

And then I cried. Yeah yeah, shut the hell up. I waited six years for this night.

I explained to Kristin: "I told myself that if I finally met you tonight, I would stand up for you. I don't stand for people, but I want to stand for you and I didn't want to be sitting down when we took a picture." As you can see, she got all excited.

I stood up and SHE started crying. So I guess we were even. But in a second she threw me for a loop and made me cry all over again.

Kristin hugs are the best hugs. She whispered something so genuine to me there that I was lucky I didn't collapse on the floor from crying so much. I guess that's what I get for making her cry, huh? LOL. I love that woman.

The first picture, unedited. The second try, because I blinked the first time and Kristin was like, "No! We have to have a good picture - take it again!" (Yeah Kristin... I look like someone either beat the hell out of me or ran me over with a semi-truck. Thanks. But I still love you.)

Apparently we were like OMG SQUEE! I have no idea what was going on at the time. Don't ask.

"Okay! Everyone get next to me and Kimmie and be cute!"

Janice, who had been amazing with the photography all weekend, jumped in for a group shot next to me.

And there you have it. No words. None. I'll update about the rest of the weekend at some point. I really do love everything and everyone right now. It's days like this past weekend that make me question why some people don't have faith. All it takes is a little faith, a little hope, and a dream or two, and if you don't give up you will get everything you wish for. This whole weekend was proof of that - and if it wasn't, then I don't know what was.
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