
Oct 15, 2012 23:30

So last week Tuesday I had my voice lessons, but had to cut them short due to my friend Robert having lost his grandfather, decided to be a good friend and run down there. I know how much he misses him and it sucks to lose someone you love without having that closure. But on to other news, voice lessons..

They are helping me tremendously! I love that my voice isn't so shy to belt out and sing high notes. I was told today that I need to move to the Sopranos side of the class room cause I am high, lol. But while I was about to sing another song, my voice lesson teacher tells me I need to lose some weight, 50 pounds. Uhm...excuse me? Who told you that you need to be a fucking stick to sing beautifully? Look at Adele! Her voice is a fucking power house! And she made millions!

First of all I said a year and half ago to my friends at work that I wanted to lose 50 pounds. They all freaked! I was like, what?! They told me that I would look sick. And come to think of it, yes, I would be. It wouldn't look right, especially with my breast size, and my hip an waist! They will NEVER go away, just more defined (15 more days left on my 30 day shred program! Yay!)

So I look at him, not letting it affect me, cause I really don't care, and he said, "If I was your art appreciation teacher, I wouldn't have a right to say this, but I am your voice lesson teacher, and I think that would help you tremendously." I had to correct him and say for my body type, that would not work. He proceeds to tell me if I don't like it I can gain back 10 pounds. Alright ,go fuck right the fuck off.  It didn't hit me til now that he had no room to talk and was completely out of line, and I will say something to him, cause if he ever says something like that to me ever again, I will report him and find myself another, and even BETTER voice lesson teacher. I'm pissed enough already that Ave Maria is the worst song for me to sing and I can't even get it down for the life of me! Ugh!

In other news, I went down to my mom's job after school, even though I wasn't planning on it, and wanted to lay in my bed, I go grocery shopping with her while I push her patient, Dr. Foster, around for the entire time. That man cannot be left alone, and it's putting a strain on my madre. So as we are heading out there was this young man who helped bag our things, and help us load it in the car. He proceeds to ASK ME FOR MY PHONE NUMBER IN FRONT OF MY MOM! Really?! I looked to my mom and she never even looked at me or rescued me. I told Robert if I ever decide to be a bitch to this guy, and you don't hear from me, I got kidnapped. He looks like he has no friends, and he won't stop texting me. I always get myself into this kind of shit, always. Now he just texted me, "Deanna, when are you going to go to bed?" Every text starts with my name. STOP!

You know what..I'm going to bed. Maybe bother Kyle to see if he's still sticking his penis inside of Christina. Poor girl, she doesn't know how special this child really is.

college, voice lessons, school, singing

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