Sep 17, 2012 20:34
I woke up 24 mins ago from a supposed nap, just to finish up some homework, and I get some weird urger to read Chris' tumblr.
I sound like a whole asshole when I'm trying not to, and it doesn't feel good when someone looks at you like you were nothing to them. That honestly hurts; yes you can be over me, but you make me feel like I didn't exist at all. Well let's face it, I think I am looking too into it, I didn't read everything on there, but just read mild things that had to do with me, was only on 2 pages and stopped myself.
I really think I shouldn't have done that, because that's his mind set on me right now, a horrible bitch, and so do the people on there saying that the "other party sounds like an asshole", when they don't know the story, and he is just venting. I think he outgrown me, and so have I when it comes to relationships, maybe when day we can find middle ground, but me and him can't really talk. I started to miss him yesterday and wanted to call and say I'm sorry, for what? I don't know.
Just, I feel like pudding. I want to evaporate and just stay evaportated.
In other news, I am making flyers to start a band and going to post it up in the music wall in at my school. You have no idea how happy I was to see that little board by my choir room, and just got so many ideas rolling. I really think that this is going to work.
But in other things, I have another engagment with another band, which they guy added me, and I think that after this is over, I am going to delete him off of FB, because there is just so much political crap on there that I want to scream. He obviously has his priporities fucked, and what he wants for his country. I won't go another further with that.
Plus, Allahia decided she wanted to do the back up singing, which is cool, a tad bit weird, but as long as we are civil I don't have a problem. She is taking care of Chris and I appreciate that, he needs someone. But I was never the bad guy and gave so much to Chris, it really does piss me off a bit at times, cause he forgets that shit. I was too fucking good to him, and this is what I get in return, but! everything happened the way it should, some things are questionable, but it seems just about right.
He was going to ask if I was doing anything with anyone, and even though it isn't his business, I sent him a text that I wasn't, and I really am not messing with anyone. School is so much more important and it's taking up all my time, the last thing I need is to be in a relationship with someone right now. Not totally against it, but, waaaay too soon.