Jan 13, 2005 19:01
WOAH, I haven't written in a bazillion days. I will probably babble on and on and no one will read a darn bit of it, but I suppose I will write anyways. First of all today was another trip to Cleveland. The good news, I am not lactose intolerant. The bad news, I am going to be a walking pharmacy for the rest of my life. The doctor is getting started ASAP with getting me on a strong medication to prevent the need for surgery, hopefully. Right now I am on steroids, but she is worried they will suppress my immune system too much. So basically right now I am going to be taking about 14 pills a day, YAY! lol So my next doctor visit is March 10th when I have o get my bone density tested and discuss how the treatment is working,
Last night I talked to Tony for the first time and he apologized about a billion more times and then in the middle of the conversation goes "I have a girlfriend now. She's a keeper." I was about to cry because I just got so pissed off. Guys aren't sensitive to girls feelings at all, like he did not need to say that to me right then and I just totally wanted to punch him in the face all over again. It is like, what am I supposed to say? "Thanks for teaching me that all boys will treat me like shit for the rest of my life, but I'm glad to know YOU'RE happy!" Erg, I give up, thank god I am not to going to Niagara next year. St.Bona all the way Lizness! SEND IN YOUR APPLICATION! lol.
How about happy talk? So something happy that happened to me this week.... hmmmm. Let's use the term of a revelation. I love when someone says something totally unexpected and it makes you feel really good about yourself and it completely affects your mood for the rest of the week. I don't know if the person who I am speaking of is reading this, but they know how happy they made me. "RAWR!" <~~~ That is "I Love You." in Megasaurous.
Finally, school. I am actually not super far behind in school. I finally completed all my assignments that were due from the week before Christmas Break and it is good to have that off my chest. I thought I was going to go insane. I am actually ahead on my English homework too. For this semester's AP book I picked "Catcher In The Rye" and I am really into it. I read it like all day at the doctor's and I am almost 100 pages into it, which is a lot considering I have read about 25 pages of the last 2 AP books I read. I also got a 96 on my "Lord of the Flies" essay which is hilarious since I didn't even read the book, I love SparkNotes maybe. My teacher even googled a sentence to make sure they were "my own words." That made me laugh.
Ok anyways no one probably read all this, but I needed to type so now it is out. If you did read it then you are my lova fo lyfe!