Hi everyone, my name is Shay and this is my first ever blog. I'm not a big fan of blogging, so what made me want to start a blog is weight loss. I am 23 years old and my first (and only) child is about to turn 2 years old in March. When I became pregnant (at age 20), I weighed 150 pounds. After giving birth (at age 21), I weighed 220 pounds. That's 70 pounds I gained in 9 months. WTF!!! Am I right? LOL. After six months passed of giving birth and only breast feeding for a month (because it was too time consuming for me.......I spent my days pumping and feeding) I weighed in at 170 pounds (at age 22). I stayed at 170 pounds for a year. My weight would never go over 180 pounds, and when it did reach that 180, I did what it had to take to lose the 10 pounds. And no it was not healthy. The smallest I had ever been was 135 pounds, and that was a year after graduating high school I had lost that weight. When I did graduate high school (at age 17) and got married (at age 18), I weighed 150 pounds. My first husband was in the navy and was going on his first 6 month deployment during our marriage (it was his second since we've been together). He went out to sea on the 9 month of our marriage and I weighed in at 160 pounds. That was the biggest I had ever been at the time. So at that time I made a vow to lose the weight before he came back from his deployment. It took me two months to lose that 25 pounds. JUST TWO MONTHS. The only reason it was so easy for me to lose the weight was that I was living alone. Was enrolled in college, and worked two jobs to stay busy. I would wake up early in the morning at 4am and do Taeboo (the bootcamp series), back then I did so much Taeboo that me and Billy Blank was family. LOL. I ate oatmeal for breakfast and oatmeal for lunch, and would find something fast and easy to make at home before I went to my second job or class. And I stop eating out. I couldn't afford it. My husband only sent me money to pay half on the bills. Where the rest of his money went to, I had no idea. But that's a whole 'nother story. LOL. So to make this weight lost story short. I lost the weight, a year later my husband left me and we got a divorce. I was stressed and only gained 5 pounds. At that time, Ramen was my bestfriend. I met my new husband the same week my first husband wanted a divorce (which he didn't tell me to my face, he posted it on myspace........thank you myspace >_<). I had met my new husband on Yahoo Personals and we got married 2 months after meeting. It would have been sooner, but we had to wait for the divorce. I stayed at 140 pounds until a month after our marriage. I started gaining weight. Needless to say, I was pregnant and over eating way too much. I tried to eat healthy, but I said to myself "I'll just breast feed and lose all the weight." .......yeah right. I had no morning sickness or any cravings. But my husband did. He was always tired, throwing up, and craved mexican food all the time. I found it funny. But it was better him than me, because I hate throwing up. LOL. But anyway, here I am today, weighing in at 180 pounds, a month after we moved to another state. And I vow to lose this weight before my child's 2nd birthday, March 2010. So now you know a little about me and my yo yo weight.
The point of this blog is to give a day by day entry on my road to weight lost. And this is not just any old weight lost plan. I am doing THE FAT SMASH DIET by Ian K. Smith. I will just call him Dr. Ian. He is the guy from VH1's Celebrity Fit Club. My goal is to finish Dr. Ian's whole diet from start to finish. My bestfriend first told me about this diet earlier this year. She told me this diet really works and that she lost 12 pounds the first 9 days. I was like OMG, tell me his secret. She told me it's no secret. So I asked in a sad tone, how much does it cost and how long do I have to take it. This is me thinking it's pills or something I would have to buy all the time. My friend simply told me it's a bood and that she got it from the book store for $13 dollars. She said that during your first 9 days of doing to diet is when you lose all the weight. So after she told me that, I called Wal-Mart up (I love that store) and they didn't have anymore books. I called Barnes & Nobles and they had a copy and they would hold it for me for a day. So after work I went to pick it up and couldn't wait to start the diet. So to make a long story short, the first 9 days of the diet is Phase 1: The Detox Phase. This means for 9 days straight, you can only eat fruits and veggies and water. There's some other things too like beans and brown rice and etc. But you are not allowed to eat any meat, breads, sugars, soda (I don't drink soda anyway), etc. You may think it's easy, but those first 9 days I felt like I was starving. I lost 10 pounds and started eating whatever saw. I fell right off the diet big time. I tried the diet again when my job was doing the biggest loser challenge. I waited all the way to the last 9 days of the challenge and started Dr. Ian's diet again and lost 10 pounds. Everytime I lose 10 pounds I weighed in at 180 before his diet. LOL, in case anyone was wondering how much I was weighing. The girl at work who started the challenge, got fired and everyone dropped to challenge. I think I was the only one who did lose that much weight. During Dr. Ian's diet, I did learn how to make tofu nuggets. They are really good, but.......I fried them in cooking oil. And no not olive oil. But anyway people, I would start Dr. Ian's diet for only the first 9 days and quit. Because I was so hungry. Why would I be so hungry when I can eat all the fruits and veggies I want? It was because there's only so much veggies I like. I hate veggies and only eat it when I have a salad with tons and tons of ranch dressing over it. I was reading a book two days ago and it said that being overweight is the biggest cause of disease and cancer. I was really shock. I thought it was smoking, and I'm always getting on my husband about smoking, when I am killing myself too. Not to mention the types of food we feed our child could lead her on the path of obesity. This book also stated that people who are thin live longer and the kinds of food that you eat can effect you in the long run. The book made a good point when it said that you don't see a 80 year old obessed person. The point the book was trying to make is that being overweight doesn't lead to a long life. And I want to live as long as possible. Don't you? So follow me on the road to weight lost with Dr. Ian's "Fat Smash Diet." Let's do this together. I'll be there for you, if you're there for me. We'll help each other. I hope to encourage people through this blog to overcome obesity and live a healthier life. To live a long life. At any time, please feel free so ask me questions.
**************DAY 1 DIET FOOD MENU***********
So today is my first day of the diet and I woke up hungry and wanting bacon, sausage, eggs. The list goes on. LOL. So on this diet, the first 9 days are the detox phase. The one phase I would start, finish, and get off the diet phase. Well this time I will finish the whole diet from start to finish. The first 9 days I can not have any meat, candy, sweets, fish, any kind of good drinks like sobe drinks....sunny D, breads, fast food, basically NO JUNK FOOD (the list goes on). The ONLY foods I can eat for the first 9 days is all the fruits, veggies, spices, and water I want. I can have a certain amount of brown rice, beans, tofu, veggie burger, skim or soy milk, yogurt, oatmeal, (the list goes on). According to Dr. Ian, the detox phase is to "clean your body and mind of impurities naturally without fasting or putting any toxins into your system........purifying your body and blood and feeding them the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals....." So now you get the reason for the detox phase. The good thing is that you can eat 4-5 times per day and exercise 30min a day. So if you love certain fruits and veggies (unlike me. LOL), eat as much as you want with out making your self full, but satisfied. Ok so here's what I ate today:
BREAKFAST - 1 Lite & Fit yogurt cup and a 1 banana.
BRUNCH SNACK - 1 banana
LUNCH - 1 banana
DINNER - Tofu, half a can of green beans, 1 veggie burger, and half of a pomegranate.
Why did I eat so little? Well right now I have been at my new home in another state for a month, and I am always on the road to look for a job. I can only take foods with me I know is not going to go bad while I'm driving around all day. I didn't get home today until 4:30pm.
***************My Daily Weakness Story
During breakfast I was with a friend, when she decided for us to sit in BURGER KING to call around for jobs. The food at BK smelled so good, while looking at Edward Cullen (from the Twilight Movie) on their entrance door didn't help stop me from going in. LOL, like in the movie with Bella. So I didn't think my friend was going to order anything since we were there just to use their seats. She felt bad for not buying anything, so she order a HAM, EGG, AND CHEESE CROISSANT SANDWHICH. My almost breaking point was when she asked me 'DID YOU WANT ME TO GET YOU ANYTHING?." OMG, I wanted to say yes soooo bad. But I stayed strong (I wish kicking my self in the head though) and said no. She asked if I was sure, and I said yes (sadly). Her food smelled so good, but I knew I have a goal to achieve and I don't want to let myself or my blog readers down. If I fail, then I can't prove to myself or anyone else that I am serious about losing weight. So I just wanted to let people know you are going to have times of weakness during any weight loss goal. But it's up to you in the end to make the right decision.