did you really think I'd put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?

Dec 30, 2009 21:14

Oh, 2009. You suck so incredibly hard. Even the good things don't overshadow the shitty things that happened. However, I guess the best parts of the year include graduating UCSC, Jon's mom finding a job, me finding a job, and enjoying a week long cruise to Mexico.

2010, I hope you start fresh with everyone's lives.

Here are my "resolutions":
- Pay off my credit card by halfway through the year.
- Sell/donate more of my clothing.
- Invest in better coffee and possibly a coffee grinder.
- Be more social. I am a fucking horrible flake when it comes to social activities and I always feel guilty when I back out.
- Explore the city. Invest in local business. Live in SF and actually LIVE in SF.
- Move into a house we can live in for a while. I'm sick of apartment complexes and I'm sick of moving every year.
- I'm getting a dog. If I can't have (don't want) a baby (yet), then I need a fucking dog.
- Read more books.
- Stay academically challenged, somehow. Grad school is far off (or nonexistent), and I need to stay educated.
- Continue to excel at my job, recognize when opportunities are presented to move up, and believe that I can achieve more.
- Bawl my eyes out when LOST is over, then re-watch the entire show and draft up my ultimate theory.
- Plan for a Christmastime cruise.
- Travel more (see: visit Andy in NYC after finals).
- Find more creative things to eat.
- Discover an active hobby that I don't begrudgingly feel obligated to do.

Here's to no more people dying, losing their jobs, and sucking in general.
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