Title: Don't Get Too Close (It's Dark Inside)
joidianne4evaRating: R (to be safe)
Genre/Pairings: Jensen/Cougar, Steve/Tony
Warnings: Strong language and violence, reference to torture and past character death.
A/N: Massive thanks to
cougars_catnip for the awesome beta and read through. This is a continuation of my Tricksters Verse, which is a crossover with The Avengers and The Fantastic Four. The verse is based on The Tricksters by Margaret Mahy.
Summary: To Johnny their life was a story written in synapses and neurons, burned into the very core of his being. That was why he noticed the way that Jake watched Aisha, the way that Steve’s words of restraint became softer and softer until they stopped altogether.
Don't Get Too Close (It's dark Inside)