Title: Recreating Camelot - Chapter 6
Rating: T
Pairing: Eventually Couger/Jensen, Pooch/Jolene, and some Roque/Clay and Clay/Aisha.
Warnings: Seriously AU. Violence.Swearing. More may be added with later chapters or if readers feel them necessary.
Summery: When Clay first met Corporal Jensen he knew the kid would eventually be granted a place in his small pack and would flourish there. What he hadn't known was that the kid would start a revolution and drag the rest of them along for the ride.
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me, I am merely borrowing them for entertainment purposes. They belong to Andy Diggle and Jock.
A/N: I'm sorry this took so long.
Prologue on LJ Chapter 6 on LJChapter 6 on AO3