30_smiles challenge: KuroFai

May 30, 2006 17:45

Alright, I'm too lazy to update my writing journal, so I'm just going to link to them from here. There'll be a link in my user info soon to this entry.

1|2|3|4|5|6| 7|8|9|10|11| 12| 13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20| 21|22|23|24| 25| 26|27|28|29|30


Updated: 9/8/07 - #25 and #26 (same fic). This one was written pretty quickly in a 24 hour period when I realized "Hey wait, I haven't updated 30_smiles in a while." I don't like how short it is, but it works, I think. And it can be taken a couple of different ways. ;D Also, I killed all of the author's notes that were on this page. I'll only talk about the most current ones.

30_smiles, kurofai, fanfiction

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