Aug 24, 2008 08:26
Fire alarms should never go off at 8AM. It's not even my building, but it's loud enough to be heard all across Dutch Quad. Way to go, whoever that was that set it off. :/ I doubt they'd schedule a fire drill for opening weekend a half hour before people start moving in today.
Man, it feels like there's a lot to do today, but I'm up too early to do any of it. That fire alarm woke me up! But that's good. i think if there was ever a raging fire in another building, I'd still want off the quad, so I should be grateful they work that well, right?
OKAY. SO. TWO BIG THINGS TODAY. One, I have to get the fridge and bring it up here. They have guys that'll help me with that. AND TWO I need to get my SUNY card so I can have bus access and building access and ACCESS TO MY MEAL PLAN. ;;; But I can't go there until 11, for some reason. :o I just checked the times online...why would you open so laaaate. LOL NEVERMIND I SUCK SO BAD AHAHA they work all four years.
Aside from that, I need to go find where my classes are and the Library's doing their Librarypalooza thing, which is only significant because they have FREE STUFF EVERYWHERE. School supplies AND food. |D Yay free things. And then maybe get some more things to put in the fridge, like milk and stuff like that. Maybe I'll finish with enough time to make it to Wal*mart? I doubt it though. :/
Nggggh I have an hour and a half before I can do anything though and the internet is not awake at 8AM. D:
free stuff,
suny card,
things to do,
fire alarm