That...sounds kind of accurate, actually. ;;;
It's been a while since I've posted, hasn't it? I had a blast with Linda up in Boston, and I went to Boston again with Jess last Thursday to meet one of her friends from school, even if he is a terrible planner. Though...part of me cringes and dies a little inside because I spent $60 in two weeks. (This is the part where the adults with jobs and places of their own laugh their asses off at me, but considering I'm a jobless out-of-state college student...yeah.) I earned back a little bit of it, but I'm still down about $40, which fills me with a Hulk-like rage.
Not that Boston wasn't worth it both times. It totally was. Omigod I love Boston so much and I had an awesome time both times I went. ♥
My school's student accounts area is going to be down for renovations until the 4th, so I can't check my loans or anything until then. More raaaaage. I need to call my school and ask them some things about my loans but that's a little hard if I can't see what's going on with them. :c *shakes fist and waits patiently for August 4th*
And wah, I've loved my paid account for the four months I've had it, but I don't think I'll be renewing it this time. :c I don't think I can really afford to...Kobato's is gone too, baw cry moooore.
Man, my life is sad. I've spent the early afternoon reading frugal blogs. XD; I need to do something else before I drive myself insaaaane. Maybe I'll look for new layouts for my RP journals. I've changed four of them to better looking things.