This speaks much louder than this music.

Nov 05, 2007 13:21

Stolen from kiptripsyc.

Put your playlist on random. Post the first tentwenty-five songs that come up, because you don't have a Japanese Quiz to Study for or anything like that, alongside a brief note on why they're on your playlist and/or why you like them. Then tag ten people to do the same and learn more about them through song!

1. " Trouble" - Coldplay [live]
I love this song. I like Coldplay a lot, and this is one of my favorite songs by them. This is one of those songs though, where if it catches me on the wrong day, I sob. The melody is so soft and beautiful though...♥

2. " Spitting Venom" - Modest Mouse
God damn it, the beginning of this song is so catchy. I catch myself singing this song a lot to myself. XD ♥ If I remember correctly, I think they played this song when I saw them live. He was kind of wasted though, so I could be wrong... But I love Modest Mouse. The whole song is awesome, and one of my favorites.

3. " Scars and Stitches" - Guster
IT'S GUSTER. OF COURSE IT'S ON MY PLAYLIST. You play those bongos, Guster. ♥ But yeah. I really like this song a lot.

4. " Degausser" - Brand New
asdlkjasd I love this song. It's one of those songs I listen to if I'm in a terrible mood. I'm such an emo kid, right? If I'm upset I can't listen to happy music. It's also another song that will make me cry if it catches me at the wrong moment. I'm such a crybaby. God. XD

5. " Saturday Morning" - Harry Chapin
Why is this man dead? ;~; Harry Chapin's been a favorite of mine since I was a little girl and my dad and I would listen to his records. This has always been one of my favorite songs he did though. Oo~oo~oo~oooo~oooo~ It's turning into one of those emo "I miss my family" college songs for me though. But I love it so much.

6. " At Seventeen" - Janis Ian
This song is so pretty. It reminds me a little bit of someone, but at the same time it doesn't, if that makes any sense. It sort of does(n't). But it's a gorgeous song.

7. " Cherry Lips" - Garbage
Ahaha I love Garbage. And this song is just so fun and bouncy and so awesome. I always want to get up and dance when I hear it. Plus, songs about that are always win. Always.

8. " I'll Be" - Edwin McCain (Acoustic)
I'm a sucker for love songs. I love romance songs and this one has always been one of my favorites. It's one of the most powerful love songs I know, to be honest. I love it so much.

9. " You're So Damn Hot" - OK Go
I LOVE THESE GUYS. And This is another song that makes me want to dance as so as I hear it. XD

10. " Here is Gone" - Goo Goo Dolls
Classic Goo Goo Dolls. I love this song, and this one definitely reminds me of somebody I know. It sends shivers down my spine, no matter how many times I've heard it before.

11. " Grade 9" - Barenaked Ladies
This song makes me laugh so hard. SO. HARD. XD I think that's reason enough.

12. " Christmas Time Is Here" - Ivy
I listen to Christmas music year-round. No, really. I love Christmas music that much. XD ♥

13. " Clumsy Card House" - Blue October
I love Blue October. Go listen to them. Now. This is one of my favorite songs of theirs. By your side I'll stay forever~

14. " Monster Man" - Soul Coughing
This song gets stuck in my head all the time. Really. I'm going to be in my Japanese class taking my L4 Quiz and I'll be like "THAT'S WHY I HAVE GOT~ MY MIND IN MY OWN~" XD

15. " All Together Now" - The Beatles
I have been on a Beatles trip since I went to see Across the Universe. This has always been one of my favorite Beatles songs, ever since I was really little. BOOM-BA-BOOM LOOK AT MEEEEEEE~

16. " Disarm" - Smashing Pumpkins
Hey, where's the happy music go? XD I'm just kidding. This is another song that makes me shiver, no matter how many times I hear it. It frequently gets used for mood music when I'm writing certain things.

17. " Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" - The Beatles
WHEN I HEARD THIS WAS IN THE AtU SCRIPT. AND WAS CUT OUT. I WAS SO SAD. I want an AtU cover of this. Now. NOW. I love this song. WE'D LIKE TO TAKE YOU HOME WITH US, WE'D LOVE TO TAKE YOU HOME. ♥ I'm very upset though cause this version I have cuts off too early. :<

18. " Must Get Out" - Maroon 5
I've very picky with my Maroon 5 songs, but this is my favorite song of theirs. Most of their other songs bother me for some reason, but I love this song to pieces for some reason.

19. " Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts" - Wolf Parade
These guys kick ass live. I want a CD. For serious. And this song is on my playlist because it's only one of my favorite songs ever. It's on the My Life Soundtrack I had into Psych last year. I love it so much. ♥ One of my absolute favorite songs in the whole world.

20. " Everything Louder Than Everything Else" - Meatloaf
Yay Meatloaf \o/ If I had a car. and a license. This is a song that I would blare out the windows. It's another song I really love. ♥

21. " Island of the Honest Man" - Hot Hot Heat
Another song for me to dance to. It's so catchy and upbeat and it makes me want to bounce around.

22. " Spin Spin Sugar (Moby Remix)" - Sneaker Pimps
ALL OF MY DANCING SONGS ARE COMING ON. WHAT IS THIS, PLAYLIST? I HAVE TO GO TO CLASS. D< But I love dancing around to this song. It's one of my favorite ones to do on DDR. Plus Sneaker Pimps are win.

23. " Amsterdam" - Guster
Also on my My Life Soundtrack, but I was too nervous submitting this one to Mr. Lyons cause I thought it would ping me as a druggie. :D; But I love Guster. And I really identify with this song in particular.

24. " Don't Stop Me Now" - Queen
QUEEN IS MANDATORY FOR ANY PLAYLIST. MANDATORY. And I think I should get extra points because it's not Bohemian Rhapsody or We Will Rock You. They played OTHER SONGS, GUYS. I love this one in particular. And Find Me Somebody to Love.

25. " Lying is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Off her Clothes" - Panic! At The Disco
I know Wifey likes this song a lot. ♥ And I love P!atD, and this is up there in my favorites too. My favorite song of theirs is "Build God, then We'll Talk" though.


memes, japanese quiz, roleplaying

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