Jan 02, 2004 04:17
Hey Gangstas! How was your New Years? Mine was pretty sweet. I went to this party with Krisi, Conor, Skoz, Ryan, and Aaron. It was pretty cool, met some kick ass people and had a grand ol' time. Me and Conor for like hours and hours watched like 1,000 stick death movies... It was awesome. Then me and Skov went back to Conors and slept over. We watched American Pie and it was hilarious! I have never seen the first one, only the second one. After that Conor and Skov went to go look at porn... TOGETHER?! What FAGGOTS! I stayed back because I dont look at porn with other guys thats GAY! So I decided to watch Lilo and Stitch (never seen that either!) and thats all we did.
Right now im over at Mikey's and were sittin in his room watchin wildboyz and lookin for drag races but none so far. We played pool most of the night and shit like that. Watched Jeepers Creepers 2 and it is the GAYEST! movie ever. But we just laughed and had a good time. After we watched Super Troopers and thats hilarious! Theres this really sick yet humurous part where this fat guy is being sprayed with water and having powdered sugar thrown at him AND HES NAKED! So this one part in this scene he TURNS around and you see his dick... but its not a dick! ITS A CHODE!! AH AH AH HA HA HA HA AH AH HA HA!!!!! Oh... Man... After that we watched League Of Extrodinery Gentlemen and that movie kicks major ass! Then we started watching this documentery on a lefal whore house and it was kinda cool saw a couple titties and watched lesbos fuck each other... did I say kinda? I meany AWESOME! But it could have been better. I feel bad for these girls, they have to screw these big, fat. uhly guys EEEEEWWWWW!! And now im.. doin what i usually do be bored updatin my journal