Oct 03, 2004 18:40
if youre wondering why i havent updated in like a year it beacause nothing interesting has happend at all.. seriusly except this weekend and i shall tell u allll about it:
*well yesterday christa called and woked me up at like 9am beacause dan was having a yard sale so i go all showered and ready and walked over to dans! and he had soo much cool stuff and stuffed animals and then we bought soo much stuff from him, fun stuff
then we packd up the yard sale and layed in the grass on a blanket and just lyed there and hten dan went inside and brought out his litle portable dvd player and so we were all cool like lying on this big blanket watching star wars on the middle of his lawn and then brandon and this kid named junior rode by on the their bikes and like glared at us.. weird.. then me and christa went to my house
and christa went home and i stayed home and called allie so my dad drove me to allies house and we hung out and she pierces my 5th hole in my ear XD yayy! then around 5
dad adn fadia and jad picked me up and we met my aunt(lamis) uncle(muhamed) and 3 cousins and cousins cousin (masar ali and jad2) at a restraunt and we had dinner
then we came back here (my house) and me and my cousins and cousins cousin called christa adn asked her o bring over some cards and meet them and so she came over and i introduced her to my family and they thought she was nice and then she left and we played this pimp card game jad2 taught us called tarnib.. good fun then they left and i gotted online for a while and went to sleep around 3
*then today i went to allies and hungout with her all day and we took roxie(her awesume cute puppy)on a walk then went up to north point and went to blockbuster and rented mean girls which we have both seen already but we love it so yeah and watched that then walked to armstrong and came bak and i came home and did laundry adn h.w. etc.. but now im here and fro some reason im tired..
:( school tomorrow.. soo sad