Sep 06, 2004 16:39
ok fuck i think i spoke to soon lol
brandon and one of his gangster friends jst walked up to my house holding my belt and were like show me your fuckin hand and so i showed em the cut which i had ice on cus it was swollen and bleeding but no it was l=just a cut and he was like now show me your ankle and i was like i dont think there is a cut there he just kicked me in it all hard and he was like would you like me ot tell yu wat happend and i was like yes... and he was like i just walked over there and pulled a knife on him cus i thought he really hurt you guys i thought theyreally jumped and and beat the shit out of you and i walked up there to get his ass with all theese people and you show me that little scratch! and i was like they kind of did beat us they just didnt like slit our throughts or anything i didnt realize you thought it was that serius sorry and and he was like gimmie the belt and i was like why? and he was like cus he wants it back andi just went thru all that shit for you for a goddamn belt and i was like okay and i gave it too him and then my dad started walkin out and i was like okay brandon im really sorry but you need to leave my dad willkill me if he finds out this shit please and so he left adn i was like he brough me my belt i dropped it at the pool!
i feel so bad but christa called and said dans really mad and hes gonna kick johns ass