May 15, 2004 18:16
AI YAI YAI!! thunderstorms theyre so scary i am scared im gonna lose all of this if i the power goes out! im al bymyself because i got home early. its funny im not afraid or anything just freaked out mostly, but when im with a bunch of people or my friends or whatever im not scared at all because its fine really, lol. yea but we came 6 out of 12 in the pine cobble tournament but we could have done so muuuch better too bad though. i wasn't put in for almost half the 20 minutes because i was fooling around for break and "wasn't ready" when we had to go out. pishaw. lol. i as ready i just didn't have my shirt on all the way. lol its just because a little kid sprayed water all over me and my shirt was wet but dont worry i had my roxy wifebeater on haha. and i just had my half wet jersey around my neck i was so ready i just thought it would be better if i said the cheer with the team instead of putting my shirt on all the way and i also put ice down kyokos goalie pants so it was tight and she couldnt reallly get the ice out it was hilarious and she got me later because she squirted water all over my shirt again, and later we had a water fight and i got water dumped all over me so i got wet again and then it started raining!haha its really funny but im lucky i had a towel with me but that was mostly just to sit on.
ok gotta go bye.