Aug 01, 2005 15:16
When u see a friend do you hide but if noticed say hi to be nice
or do you say hi jus incase you need to use them later
When you see a homeless person do you think eww you reek
or do you think omg i feel so bad and give them some cash
When you see a guy/girl that you think is a total hottie but a total airhead to do you go and flirt cause all you need is the bod
or do you stay away an just be friends
When you see a geek i mean a really big geek do you laugh saay a name push and laugh with your possy
or do you just look avoid contact so some real shit doesn't go down
When you go to order food do you say umh... i have been dieing for a hamburger with fries and a coke
or do you say no a salad with no dressing and water with lmon gotta watch the figure
part three will come out later tonight