Jan 06, 2005 19:56
yesterday i slept over danielle's house. at first i was pissed that shay was still there casue we were in a fight from MOnday. but then we talked and sorted out our problems and now we're friends again! i love that hoe! we watched "there's something about Mary". and it was really stupid. then we went to sleep.in the moringng we woke up to danielle's dad motorcycle engine! grrr! then we played DDR and fone tag..long story. then we went to go see Meet the Fockers for the 3rd time! it was so boring becasue i knew everyitng that was gonna happen. then we went to go help put food in boxes at the temple 4 people who are needy.. whoooh wat a fun day huh? lol jk
commetn everyone