I'm getting better at fighting the future

Jan 26, 2006 15:01

let me tell you a couple of things.

the first thing is that like jason said, you all kind of suck for not writing in your journals anymore. i am now mandating at least a weekly update from all of you. actually i don't really care that much, but seriously, you should update so me and jay nugz don't feel like the only losers who still update our oh-so-cool two-year-old livejournals.

the second thing is that the song 'everything is alright' by motion city soundtrack is pretty much burned into my brain forever because my sister was playing it on repeat. i really like it though, and it's a lot better than having the candle song stuck in my head 24/7. it's also caused me to come to the conclusion that i want to buy the motion city soundtrack cd, but since i have $6 to my name right now i am instead going to attempt to bum it off of either ashley or jack so that i can burn it.

i got a scholarship to marquette and i will be going to look at it in february. i talked to joe last night for an hour about the wisconsin trip, and i am way excited. it really sucks that none of you losers can go. i did decide today that we need to get a giant jar and start a collective change fund for the roadtrip this summer though. because in case you all didn't think about that part, it's going to cost a shitload of money. so we need to start saving. pronto.

by the way, i also really hate school and want to drop biology 2 because it is the most pointless class ever. and my whole belief system kind of came crashing down today when mrs simmons was actually nice to me and told me that she hopes i feel better because i look and sound like crap today. oh wait, but then my belief system didn't actually crash down because we had the most impossible freaking essay test ever in that class today and i totally failed it. and, just ask monica to tell you a little story about the essay she rewrote and then you will fully understand why mrs simmons is a terrible teacher.

i've been getting pretty damned stressed lately because i've come to the conclusion that i am not in the proper state of mind/point in my life to be making a decision that will affect not only where i'm going to be for the next four years, but also where i may be for the rest of my life after that and what i might be doing when i get out of school. i do not care about making life-altering decisions right now. i just care about getting ripped and eating lots of food with my best friends.

and i realized that i am actually pretty damn sad about the fact that i can't go to butler because i didn't get a scholarship. the fact that i found a school that is pretty much exactly what i wanted, and can't go there because it is too expensive, not only sucks in the here and now, but it kind of makes me second guess whether or not i really want to be a teacher and be poor for the rest of my life. but considering there's no other job i could possibly see myself doing successfully and being happy with for the rest of my life, i suppose i'll stick with education. still, i have no freaking idea where i want to go to school and having to think about it constantly is really freaking me out.

i realized that we are going to see the starting line on 2-12. and that's pretty cool. listen to 'leaving' and you will understand.

i am really sick and i don't want to go to school tomorrow, but if it means sacrificing going to chipotle with the coolest people ever, i think i will suffer through it.
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