Dec 08, 2005 22:51
i'm in a good mood.
for the record, gas station cappucinos rock my world.
also, mrs sample gets 20 points (count it) because i'm pretty sure she sent my marquette application in on time. they sent me a letter today with info about applying for scholarships which is awesome. hopefully i will get a chance to go up there and visit sometime. though with this shatty ass cold weather right now, i'm not gonna lie i'm getting a bit dissuaded from the idea of going school anywhere north of here. we shall see though. i am still scared to ask about whether or not my butler application got in on time. i really, REALLY, really hope it did.
so work was long and kinda sucky tonight. memo: if you guys ever for any reason have to call somewhere and make a telephone order for something and the person taking your order tries to offer to sell you like 5 other things, DO NOT be a bitch to them!! they have to do that shit or they will lose their job. and if you are foreign, do not yell at them if they can't understand you.
it snowed a lot today and that makes me kinda happy. the roads are bad and that scares me, but when jason and i got off work it was that nice kind of warm winter where it's snowy but it's not insanely freezing. it was cool. i am really hoping for a snow day would be so PERFECT. i got my pjs inside out, but i have a feeling it's not gonna happen.
uh it's 11:17 and i haven't even started my homework yet. i think all i have is english though, but those fookin british poems are murder.
man, exams are going to be rough, especially because i have to work every day next week. i will be rollin in the dough, however, so i'm down with that.
by the way, one of my favorite songs ever is 'the hardest part' by coldplay. it reminds me of last summer so much. i rocked out to coldplay really hardcore for the first half of summer, and it was amazing. it just came on and made me think about summer and it was a cool feeling.