so go to
this website and type in lsmith and look at my senior pictures and tell me which ones suck the least. because i liked them when i first saw them like 6 months ago, but when i went back and looked at all of them today i was like "ew." at least i'm not making short bus faces though, but my mom is like mad pissed because i'm not "smiling with my teeth" in any of them. and yeah it was just not a fun experience trying to choose which ones we wanted to buy with my mom.
i pretty much narrowed it down that we are going to crop the first one and use it as my head shot for the yearbook. because all the other head shots we took sucked ass. my hair looks completely disgusting in like all of them, i don't even know what was going on. but yeah i would appreciate your guys' input, tell me which ones you would like to have a copy of so i can figure out which pose i would like to order 24 wallets of to give out to people. thanks. PS there are 2 pages, the one on the second page is one of the ones i actually like so don't forget to look at it too.
kelsey says number 9 and number 14, alex says number 5, maggie likes number 8 (which i think is my favorite too even though that pose is kinda gay) and chasity likes 4,5,6,8,9,10,13,14,15. damn she must want my sex hardcore or something haha.
anyway. i'm in a mad good mood because i was just on the phone with joe and maggie for the past 3 hours. they rock. and i am going to wisconsin on november 11 FOR REAL this time. and it is going to ROCK like no other.
and tomorrow is friday and i'm way happy about that.