
Oct 25, 2006 15:44

I'm back from camping- only went for three days, but it chucked it down and was absolutely bloody freezing, so in a way I'm glad to be back. Still loved it though- despite the numb toes and the me throwing up in a hedgerow at about 3am. I went for the enitre time without a shower or a change of jeans- so I bet everyone else was glad to have me out of the tent too :-) Well I'm showered and fresh now, although still slightly muzzy-headed from lack of sleep.

My brother is absolutely amazing though- he bought the Daily Mirror specially for me so I could read the Richard Hammond interviews. I was getting teary by the end of the second one, and I've put off reading the third till I'm in private just in case I succomb to tears.

In other news- I'm getting my lip pierced tomorrow! Well, in theory I am. I haven't booked in or anything but I doubt it'll be too busy and hopefully I can get it done there and then. If I can afford it, I also want the top of my ear done but that's not as important. Haircut tonight too, and it's going back short and choppy so I can show off my piercings :D


hair, piercings, camping

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