my mom's a sweetie.

Jul 23, 2005 23:01

So, Gold Star/96.5 The Star is hosting a writing contest to win a trip to Flordia. The writing contest is about to write about the golden child... my mom wrote about me. ah. This is what she wrote-

"This is why my child is the Gold Star child of the summer. My child, Megan Meadows, is a beautiful, loving, fifteen year old girl. I am fourtante that she favors her church, color gaurd team, and watching children in lieu of drinking, drugs and smoking. Megan started this summer of being baptized at HER church (she belongs to Ross Christian Church while my husband and I attend Catholic mass.) It was a beautiful service and as her mother, I cried my eyes out. Yes, I did have her baptized as a baby, but this was much more meaningful. Megan decided on her own to accept God - I didn't enforce it on her. The youth group at her church attended a week long Christ In Youth camp in Tennensee. The cost of this trip ended up being around $330. Megan worked odd jobs at her church and babysat (five children - ages 9 months to 9 years) every Friday, Saturday and Wednesday night to raise the money herself. She did not only reach her $330 goal, but was also to buy new clothing for her trip. Additionally, she brought home two shirts. One states "this is me" and the other has a picture of the devil crossed out with "Just Say No." I am so proud of the fact that she did not come to me once asking for money. She continutes to babysit due to the fact she made the color gaurd team at Ross High School. She insisted on paying for half of all costs which are pretty expensive (Band camp - $125. Warm up suit - $140. Gloves, headband and shoes - $75.) Even though her step-father agreed to pay these expenses. Finally, in June my sister moved in with us. my sister has a 5 year old son, and is going through a divorce. Megan watches him (for next to nothing) to help her aunt out. Megan additionally volunteers to work at car washes for both her church and color gaurd, babysits at the church, and helps me with her younger brother besides various chores. She is also a honor student.
Megan's Weekly Schedule -
Sunday - Leave for church bible classes, pre-school assistant, and attend service 9-1, Youth group 6-9
Monday - Clean work, work on summer reading project, various chores.
Tuesday - Color gaurd training 9-12, watches nephew/younger brother 12-9
Wednesday - Day off, babysits five kids 6-10
Thursday - Color gaurd practice 9-12, watches nephew 12-9
Friday - Watches nephew 10-9*, babysits 5 kids 6-11:15. *She will take her cousin with her.
Saturday - Volunteer day, puppet practice or day off 10-4, babysits 5 kids 6-11:15

I guess I am just so proud of her since everything we've been through. Megan's father and I divorced in 1998. She has been witnessed to her alcoholic father abuses. She is currently the daughter of a absentee father(she has seen him for 20 minutes since 2003.) She has been accused at her old schools for things she did not do because of her appearence (she is 5'9'' and weighs close to 200 pounds and wears majority black with black hair) We lived week by week in a crappy little house for five years in a very bad neighborhood and she learned early to tak care of herself (and her brothers) due to a single mom with a over crowded schedule. I feel megan has every right to be a disgruntled abusive teenager, instead she is the sunshine in my life. She constantly has a smile on her face and love in her heart. She gives of herself until she is exhausted. It doesn't matter if she is recognized as 96.5/Gold Stars Golden child or not, I just really wanted to share all these facts with other people since I am so very proud of my only daughter. she is a blessing, a gift and I am honored everyday when she cals me 'momma!!" I love her, respect her and adore her... She will always be my golden, loving child.
Debi A. Carter."
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