Sep 28, 2005 01:35
I felt it was neccessary to post my critique to a myspace bulletin that
listed 20 things girls really want supposedly in my livejournal as
well. The bulletin will be in Black, my Critique will be in Red.
What Girls Really Want!!
1. Don't flirt with other girls. | It makes us feel like we're not good
enough for you. We feel like we did something wrong so you are making
up for it with another girl.
You ask us not to overreact about you flirting with guys, it's a 2 way street.
2. Even if you're not going out, heck, even if you're not friends,
don't say bad stuff about us. | We could be the meanest people in the
world to you, but most of the time we're joking and we think you're
serious. You haven't seen mean until you say something bad about us. We
have evil sides and we're not afraid to use them.
If we're saying something bad about you, it's usually
for a reason. If you can't take our responses to your jokes, then you
shouldn't make those jokes, we're sensitive as well despite the macho
3. We're not toys. | Don't just have your fun with us and drop us.
We're serious about things. That's just mean and we'll spend days
wondering what we ever did wrong
Ditto to you this too is a 2 way street.
4. Put your arms around our waist firmly but gently, holding us close
to you. | If you can, smell our hair! For most girls, we try to succeed
in making it smell and look good! Plus, we know you love the smell, why
try to sneak around?
Although we don't mention it to you about all the
little things you do with your hair, or your makeup or what not, we
appreciate it none-the-less. Honestly guys spend 1000 times more time
complimenting you than females ever do for guys. Bottom Line. Guys have
self esteem that could use a boost here and there as well.
5. If you've done something wrong, fess up. | Tell us before we have to
ask you about it. Trust me, when we ask, we'll be twice as angry, and
that's just if you tell the truth. We know. We don't guess when we
confront you. We have our connections, and we know what's going on. Lie
to us and you can pretty much send your death wish.
First and foremost, Guys are bad at hiding. If they
haven't told you their secret it's because they aren't ready to tell
you about it, thinking of ways to tell you, or maybe they're hoping you
hear from someone else so they don't have to. Girls, keeping secrets,
not answering questions, saying it's none of our bussiness, makes us
extremely suspicisious. We like knowing just as much as you do.
6. When we say we love you, we mean it. | We're not willing to tell
just anyone that. Our hearts are gentle and it's very hard to trust
guys, and it takes time. Don't worry if you tell us you love us and we
don't say it back right away. We do, we're just thinking about how
sweet it was that you said it first. And if it takes a day or two,
we're not deciding. We're figuring out how we can prove it.
Not really much can be said to this one, other than it
makes us worry like no tommorow, to quote seinfeld - "That's one big
matsa ball out there" don't consider what we tell you a joke, we mean
what we say to. And I also might add it's equally difficult to trust
7. If we have guy friends, we love how you hold us close when we talk
to them. | We think it's cute when you get all jealous, but don't
overdo it. We're not dumb, we're not gonna mess around. We're not
flirting, so don't blame us later. Now, if some guy friend of our's is
flirting with us, then you have every right to overreact and kick his
If you're talking to a guy friend while you're with
your boyfriend, and it's more than a " hey nice to see you again,
what've you been doing with your life " type of talk. that gets us
worried. We know you hug your guy friends, but when you run around in
front of us and hug 10 million guys, we do get jealous although we
might not always show it. this is a very 2 way street here, don't flip
out on us for talking to one of our female friends if you expect likewise.
8. Anything you'd want us to know about you... know about us, too.
We'll memorize every fact. | We'll have our friends quiz us on how many
homeruns you had in a season, what your favorite color is... But it's
gonna hurt if we know so much about us and all you can say is, "Uhh..."
and make a guess.
That is really petty, we're not going to remember for
instance " how many measures were in your dance recital " most of us do
keep track of the important things, anniversaries, birthdays, favorite
flower, candy, chocolate, allergies, favorite movie, song, ect we're
not perfect with that sort of stuff.
9. If our eyes are shiny, we're either really happy or we're about to
cry. | Look at our smile and the way our face is. Is it the same way it
is when you make us laugh? If not, we're going to cry. At that point,
if you can tell, turn us so that we're facing you and wrap your arms
around us tight so that we feel like nothing could harm us at all while
we're there, and stroke our hair. When we cry, often we will bury our
heads in your shoulder. If we don't, wipe away our tears. Whisper
gently in our ear. Tell us it's okay, even if you don't know what we're
crying about.
I can honestly agree with this one.
10. Know that we like it when you tickle us. | It makes us laugh and
reminds us that you know that exact spot that makes us cry we're
laughing so hard. It's cute.
Same as above
11. Surprise us. | Call before you're at the door, make sure you have
good timing. Tell us to look out the window, or open the door. We'll
see you and hang up and run to your side. Bring flowers for now reason.
Give us candy when we're down, that always works! Show up just to kiss
us and see us smile.
I suppose you want us to dress up like James bond and
show up in a helicopter car too? we try to do those sort of things
every once in a while, but with most things they're underappreciated,
thus we stop doing them over time, or less frequently.
12. Show us how much you love us. | That doesn't mean show us how bad
you want to have sex. We're not walking beds. (So, in other words,
we're not just easy lays walking around.) We love it when you whisper
in our ear, or breath on our neck. We like it when you kiss under our
jaw down our neck, resting your head on our shoulder. We feel like
we're repaying you for every time we rest on you.
That's understandable, I can't speak for every guy but
I will speak for myself, sex, or intercourse rather is something that
shouldn't be planned, shouldn't be a " has he earned it type thing" or
a " have we been dating long enough that my friends don't call me a
whore " it's about when you yourself and your partner feel comfortable
with the act.
13. We love to look at the stars. | Plan a night to surprise us and
don't tell us where you're taking us no matter how much we may beg.
Take a picnic dinner, candles, a lighter, plastic glasses and sparkling
cider. Don't forget to bring lots and lots of coffee for us! We love
that stuff. Bring 3 blankets. One for the ground when we lay on top of
you in your arms, one for over the top of both of you, and another that
you sneak on top of her during the night, just in case she gets cold.
Hold us close and let us look up at the stars in your arms. If we fall
asleep, don't wake us up. Stay the night with us right there, and let
us use you for a pillow. Get comfortable, but try your hardest not to
disturb our sleep, because if we open our eyes we'll tell you to take
us home.
I'd like to mention for the first time in my critique
of this whole bulletin that this whole thing is practically aiming at a
punchline of "hey a guy should do everything and have esp and be sure
that we appreciate what he does" Guys need appreication, just as much
as females do, we like attention just as much as you, and believe it or
not, we're not just in it for the sex.
14. If your friends think it's cool to have sex, it doesn't mean we do.
| We have plans for our lives, usually. And if not, we're still not
ready to handle that kind of pressure. Being in a relationship is a lot
of responsibility itself, and having sex just means you have to be more
committed. Wait until we're ready. If you pressure us, we're going to
get mad and we might not ever have sex with you. (Another way to put
it: We'll dump you, no matter how much it hurts.)
Re-Read ..12's critique, it obviously didn't seep in the first time
15. Sing to us in the quiet. | Even if you're horrible. Especially if
you're good. We love to hear you. If you're bad at it, it just shows
that you would show us anything, even if it's not the most pleasurable
thing you would choose to do. It shows us you're open with us and are
willing to do whatever we want. In the quiet it comforts us and reminds
us you're there, and it really turns us on, and you're likely to get a
What is this, " hey Fido do a trick and I'll give you
a biscuit? " we'll do what we feel like when we're comfortable provided
it doesn't make you uncomfortable. The way this was worded was
completely sophomoric, we're not toys for your amusement, just as much
as you aren't just a sex toy.
16. Dance with us. | With or without music. Even in the funniest of
places. If we announce we love the song, that's your big hint that we
want you to ask us to dance. And even if we don't say that, offer
anyways. The worst thing we could do is say no.
I have no problems with the whole dancing thing.
17. Don't embarrass us. | If you act immature in front of us, we will
scold you like your mother would. We'll chew you out and rip you a new
one, telling you exactly how much we never want to be seen with you.
If, in fact, you do embarrass us publicly, after we're completely
through chewing you out, say you're sorry. Tell us you didn't mean to
embarrass us and ask for our forgiveness. Then, once we sigh, put your
hands on our shoulders and let them slide to rest on our hips. DON'T
try to kiss us. Wait for us to be ready. Who knows how long we'll be
How about you stop worrying so much about how everyone
looks upon you, if you do love us you won't be embarressed, and if it
is something that is truely terribly embarressing, sit us down outside
of public and talk to us. Screaming at us after "embarressing you" is
easily comparable to two wrongs don't make a right.
18. Meet our parents right off the bat. | We love it when you include
our family. If you get the chance, refuse to go out with us until you
meet our parents. Figure out a day when you can come home with us and
have dinner with the rents... Be Mr. Polite to the parents. Shake hands
with her dad firmly and cooly. Shake her mother's hand first and be
gentle. Do remember, she's cooking your food. Smile at them and smile
at her afterward. If she has siblings, be Mr. Perfect. They'll love you
if you tell them something they don't know. And if you show them how to
do something, they'll love you forever. Keep in mind that they look up
to her, so if you play your cards right, they'll look up to you, too.
If they're older, they're sure to be protective. They might not appear
it at first, but they care deeply who their younger sister is with. If
it's a brother, be nice and polite and show him without action exactly
how much you want to care for her. Prove to her whole family why you
should be with her. Ask her dad. Make sure it's alright with him. Then,
when you get the okay, kiss her hand and ask her to a date you've
previously planned in front of everyone.
Simply put, this isn't the 50's people, this isn't
leave it to beaver. Families vary, and in most cases it's not a great
idea for a guy to meet the parents, unless he has an outstanding
reputation or the Girlfriend in question has said enough good things
about the guy for the family to accept him no matter what.
19. Pay for her. | She'd offer to pay for half and even all of it.
Don't let her. Call it your treat. Even if you pay every time, it means
that we have more money to spend on those little gifts we love to get
you. Like those photo albums we love to decorate and put pictures of
the two of you together. Those do cost money. And the cologne we get
you for Christmas or your birthday? Yah, that's real stuff right there.
It ain't cheap!
Don't get me wrong... Most guys are embarressed enough
when you do split the bill or even pay for us. We feel like less of a
man. We try our best, but blabbing to your friends about paying for
dinner here and there rubs it in and hurts our extremely sensitive
"manly" ego's
20. Last, but not least and the most important of all, love her. | With
all of your heart, love her. Love her like there's no one else out
there for you, because as far as you know, there isn't. Don't doubt our
unconditional love for you. Kiss us like you've never kissed before.
Hold us like no one could fit more perfectly in your arms. Love us like
no one could fill that hold that we do any better. Look past the flaws
that we constantly point out and even reject them. When we say we look
fat or ugly, reject it instantly and remind us how beautiful we are.
Point out something about us you love. Think about her before anyone
Alright, let me shed some light on this. We know you
fish for compliments you say " I'm ugly, or I'm fat" "I look like crap"
ect ect ect, we humor you because of the fact that we may just be
considered an un-sensitive pig for not telling you you're beautiful
every time you say one of those things. Why bother responding to those
type of statements if they're obviously not true.
If you think I'm being unjust in any of the things I just said, tell me
I'd love to hear the feed-back and have no problem
debating/discussing any of the views I express in this entry.