updation tiempo

Oct 12, 2004 22:09

well im bored... today was ok we're havin midterms this week so the schedules are all fucked up. im gona move pretty soon im already packing yay! im gona re-decorate my room to look awesome!!!! kinda like a vintage look is wut im thinking of. im saving my money to go shopping for my new room. woo woo!

i hung out w/ my love today and im gona hang out tomoro too. how fun! i love him:) anywhoo.. im going to go out of town this weekend to lakewood or sumthing like that for an acting camp for this play im gona b in... lame! i better b able to talk to osker while im over there, or im gona.... leave walking or sumthing, even though its like 6 hours away. haha.

good nite live journal... haha sounds funny
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