(no subject)

Apr 09, 2008 20:43

Things are getting better slowly, and that makes me very relieved. The last couple of weeks have been stressful and overwhelming, but I've managed to make it through, and for that, I'm very proud of myself. I really am becoming a much stronger and stable person, unlike the old me, who I really was starting to hate. I've gotten myself on depression medicine, I'm starting to eat healthier and starting to exercise. (I started last Monday and have already lost 9 pounds, GO ME!)

Dan and I still have our issues, but things are looking better there too. We have Friday off this week, and we're going to look at, hopefully, our new apartment. I'm really excited and I really hope this is the one. The lady that I talked to on the phone seemed very nice and from what I've heard, the apartments are very nice too.

Work is a fucking mess. The company officially changed hands two weeks ago. So now instead of working for Blackhawk Automotive Plastics, I now work for Ventra Salem LLC. The new company seems awesome; great insurance, a possible pay raise, and a nicer more understanding set of supervisors. The messy part is because of the whole GM layoff bullshit. It doesn't make any sense to me, if only 20% of the jobs in our shop are GM, then why the fuck are we getting laid off? It's also bullshit because everytime something happens, 50 fucking million rumors get spread, and no one knows whats going on because our management doesn't have the brains to let us know.
But anyways, if they want to lay off, so be it, I will gladly sit on my ass and collect unemployment. XD

I applied for a part time job at Angels for Animals, working as a Vet Assistant. Pays 7 bucks an hour, so it'll be a nice chunk of extra cash coming in. I might need it more than I thought now. haha.

Okay. Well that was a really long post, but I felt the need to rant a little. I don't even know if anyone reads this, but more power to you if you actually have the time to.

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