(no subject)

Jan 21, 2009 01:26

sleep cycle has me trapped in a routine i need to break from.
she yelled at me in the middle of work "you're so full of shit"
i would have laughed if it wasn't true
i would have said something back if i hadn't heard it so many times before
and now it is upon me
breathing down my spineless back every night when i struggle to put my mind to peace and find sleep
keeps me awake until early hours of the morning
and when i finally find rest and dreamstate
the constructions starts.
jack hammers are much louder then one would think based on what i've seen on tv and in movies.
twelve hours of sleep a night is normal for those who sleep in shifts right?
three hours of sleep then awake for one hour then back to sleep
out of bed by three in time for dinner.
i can't wait for school to start
its the worst habit i've ever developed
depending on school to spark my creativity. i have one semester left where the hell do i go from there.

i am lacking a purpose for living
i told myself last year i should take care of myself and live for myself but its obvious i'm not. i can barely take care of myself or put my talents to good use. all talk
so full of shit.

more action

we're fighting global warming. one sandbag at a time. during low tide, we head to the beach in my dad's pickup truck. rising water level my ass. nature doesn't understand that humans will out think her every move. we're here to stay and shes not going to get rid of us. we're fighting global warming if it kills us. if people like you and i don't get out there and do something we're going to end up like that movie water world. you can be kevin costner for all i fucking care. my room is covered in sand. its found its way into my diet as well. doesn't bother me though. dad says its necessary that some people make sacrifices for the good of others. i wish your kids could see the shit we're going through just to ensure they have a future. you may think we're dumb or stupid for bringing sand to the beach. but you're part of the problem not the solution. things like this take time. we do a little bit each day. in a couple more weeks you'll see.
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