What's up bloggie?:D ..Our sem-break's almost ending and another semester would start soon..
Honestly, i haven't updated you for ages, about myself, am I? I'm sorry for that.. It seems like my world was revolved with writing fanfictions lately. hehee..^^
Honestly, I feel sad right now.. Because the chance of me, being a dean's Lister had already vanished. Fuck that teacher off. -_-.. She's taking me too personally... Duh.. GO TO HELL! >_<.. She doesn't even know how to teach well..
Geez..all she knows doing is to EAT during LAB hours, and let us, her students, do the shitty work and experiments without having a clue of its purpose.. And besides the fact that SHE'S AN IDIOT!
What the hell!
Telling us that the book was wrong, during one of our discussions. And our class tried researching about it and we used other references to prove the validity of her statement, yet in the end.. she's the one who was MISTAKEN.. ARRRRRRRRRGh! Such a KLUTZ!D:
Why the fuck does she have to lower my grade if in the first place... I'm always present in her class and I have set of good grades in her quizzes... It's so unfair that most of my classmates who aren't even studying had a higher grade than me..T_T
FUCK off that HAG.. GRRRRR~>O<~... My classmates were even shocked when they found out about it, because they believed that my grades shouldn't be like that. One of my classmates, who were complaining with our teacher too, was degraded like me.. But the both of us, never failed any quizzes or tests......
aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~Such an IMMATURE, UNPROFESSIONAL, UNFAIR teacher she is!
The fuck!D:<.. I can' t even complain about it because she's not present last enrollment and the second semester would start next week....
"In COLLEGE, if you don't like your teacher, then keep your mouth shut and keep it to yourself. There are lots of unprofessional teachers in college. Taking things too personally, if you're trying to bash their credibility...Don't depend on anyone, but only in yourself, alone."
GAWD....I really despise her! Ahhhhhhhh.. I'll just do my best this new 2nd semester and I would behave now..hahahaha,..xDD.. i wish I could.. I have this tendency to rebel against a teacher if she keeps on talking about senseless things that aren't related to our topic. and the worst part is that she loves giving difficult quizzes and surprised tests without even teaching us those things..
I hope she'll be expelled in the university.... Haay...-_-.... i'm done with my rantings..
Well anyway.. I think I would be on hiatus for awhile again.. sorry for being such a lazy bum and a slow updater..-________-..
I think.. i need to breathe for awhile and balanced my time wisely...I need to focus on my studies first because I must meet the high expectations of my parents.. so I think, I'll temporarily leave lj but I'll be back again..
Because I can't stand leaving my readers and the friends I had already gained just because of this crazy addicting FANDOM of KPOP.. specifically HAEHYUK..:D..
well..this would be my last post for now... I'm going to leave for good but i'll be back once again.. =)