Trans Woman's Journey (Moon #18)

May 12, 2006 20:41


Just as the light of the Moon illuminates the landscape, when Trans Woman moves to the Moon phase of her journey she connects to something larger than herself. Trans Woman having brought herself into harmony can now seek and often find harmony with the larger world. This often, but not always, involves some sort of religious or spiritual practice. Religion literally means joining again or reconnecting to that from which one has become separate. And in this portion of the journey Trans Woman reconnects to the world often quite strongly. For some this connection will have no traditionally religious overtones because they have forcefully rejected organized religion. And yet, the desire for connection and understanding remains.

The light of Moon reveals secrets formerly hidden by darkness. Trans Woman may seek out religious or spiritual experiences based on lost or mystery traditions. Although some Pagan communities focus on an embodied duality that has trouble coping with Trans Woman's reality, enough groups and traditions tap into ancient ways of honoring Trans-ness that Trans Woman can find a religious home if she seeks diligently. Even if Trans Woman pursues a religious path that lacks a tradition of acceptance, her new perspective can illuminate previously unseen facets of that religion and open up new interpretations.

Some Trans Women seek out ancient Traditions such as the Gallae, ancient Greeks who transitioned in their own way. Others look to traditions such as Two Spirit folk among indigenous North American cultures or the Hijras of India. And still others seek to cobble together new traditions and ways of being that honor but do bit imitate other cultures and the past.

Even if Trans Woman remains atheistic, agnostic, or irreligious, she has an unusual set of lived experiences which may give her perspectives and insights not seen by more traditionally gendered folks. When we turn our gaze outward, the Moon illuminates hidden truths.

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