Trans Woman's Journey (Hanged Woman #12)

Apr 25, 2006 09:18


Hanged Trans Woman's world turns upside down, or perhaps she turns upside down and the world goes on as before. It all seems like a matter of perspective at a time when her perspective has changed greatly and she embarks upon the journey of gender exploration.

Modern patriarchal society values Men and masculinity. This valuation lies hidden in the very structure of society. While some blatantly hold up Men as an ideal, most simply value those things which have come to have associations to Men and Masculinity and devalue those things which have come to have associations with Women and Femininity. That way those Women who embrace Male standards and accept Masculine judgments can win partial inclusion in a Boys club that avoids substantive change. While some beneficial societal changes have allowed Women to enter fields formerly reserved for Men, a societal stagnation remains that continues to overvalue contributions associated with Men, devalue contributions associated with Women, and maintain standards created by and for Men in mixed gender situations. Under such situations it comes as no surprise that almost everyone values either Manhood or Masculinity and in most cases both.

Against this societal juggernaut, Trans Woman abandons the label of maleness and often abandons masculinity as well instead choosing to value Womanhood and often femininity as well. She explores womanhood in a manner not entirely unlike that of an adolescent girl, trying things on and seeing what might fit. She sometimes uncritically accepts or at least attempts such extremes of stereotypical feminine accouterments as pantyhose, spike heeled shoes, corsets, and under-wire bras all of which I count as proof of the misogyny of designers of clothing for Women. In addition Trans Woman may play with cosmetics, clothing, roles, and mannerisms in an attempt to suss out what does and does not work for her. All of this curiosity and exploration related to items and behaviors once forbidden makes a great deal of sense and sooner or later what she explores she will either integrate or abandon.

From an outside perspective Trans woman in this stage tends to look pretty ridiculous. She has abandoned the very jewels that society values seemingly for worthless trinkets. Her experiments often blatantly violate all social standards of acceptable behavior and appearance for anyone of any gender. She will sometimes mix behaviors learned to masquerade as a man with behaviors which discrimination prevented her from mastering into odd combinations that make her seem especially alien. In short she becomes highly visible often in ways seen negatively by most of society.

And sadly, this image predominates as the single most common image and understanding of Trans Women among those individuals who have not become close enough to a Trans Woman to experience the rest of our lives. I own this as one important step in Trans Woman's journey, but as no more important than many other less recognized steps. And I become annoyed, not because this part of Trans Womanhood gets seen and replicated, but because it gets displayed in ways that suggest it as the nature and limit of Trans Womanhood while the true range of our lives gets neglected.

Janice Raymond and Sheila Jeffries along with many others rail against the Hanged Trans Woman for her embrace of the shackles of femininity that they have cast off. They assume that Trans Woman wants these symbols and that motivates her while remaining unaware of more substantial forces such as proprioceptive discomfort and early childhood socialization. Trans Women, who have often lacked the protection and growth afforded by the feminist movement get held collectively to a standard which many other pre-feminist Women also fail to meet. Ironically an understanding of Trans Women and how we undergo socialization points out the hidden mechanisms by which patriarchal society transmits codes of behavior to the young and points to tactics that might produce more substantive change. And many Trans Women could benefit from more feminist education about the role which cosmetics and clothing have played in the subjugation of women. Gender enforcement and discrimination of all kinds needs dismantling. As a Feminist Trans Woman, I have learned that living as a feminist and living as a Trans Woman both require me to value Womanhood and that both identities remain susceptible to the remnants of internalized misogyny which I have not yet found the Strength to eradicate.

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