Trans Woman's Journey (Strength #8)

Apr 23, 2006 08:51


Eventually Trans Woman finds Strength within herself. Having sought love and Lovers outside herself and having sought to balance the Chariot-like pull of her outer and inner worlds, an inner struggle remains for Trans Woman to face. She must win the internal battle for self-acceptance.

Trans Woman must wrestle her own inner demons. Inner voices give her all the messages that a sexist, hetero-sexist, trans-phobic culture has fed her over the years. Against these voices stands her sense of identity and of self. This battle takes place not in a day or in a year, but throughout her life. And Strength represents the triumph, however partial, of self love over self destruction.

This process engages the emotions far more strongly than the intellect. Knowing intellectually that you have value and worth often proves far easier than feeling you own worth. This self acceptance can provide a solid foundation from which to pursue transition. Self acceptance also allows Trans Woman to accept other Trans Women. A lack of self love can translate not only into self contempt, but also into contempt for others who share those characteristics which a particular Trans Woman rejects in herself.

Support from friends, family, and community can help to counteract the negative messages that bombard Trans Women and provide real aid. That said, in the end, every Trans Woman must overcome her own inner demons for herself. No one else can fight her fight for her. And every victory deserves celebration.

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