Jun 27, 2007 16:51
...the smoking pile of tinder that may burst into flame at any moment!
...or may just season us well and leave us with a few nice grill marks.
Okay, perhaps it feels more dramatic than it sounds, but this is the first chance I've had in quite some time to catch up with my posting and subsequent chances may remain few and far between as impending endeavors loom large before us. So I've got to get at least a little mileage out of it while I can.
The frying pan from which I just escaped is the Technical Writing class that I just finished last night. I am now rapturously free of time-devouring homework projects for the summer. The class was good, and I enjoyed having something challenging to focus on, but it was also quite a workload on top of working full-time. I was oh-so ready for a break.
But then, right then, along came an open house, which was next to another open house, which was next to perfect for us, which was just next to what we can afford, which evoked from us an offer, which may catapult us headlong into a pants-on-fire marathon of uprooting and moving and endless home improving.* Ghasp. Or we may simply get outbid and wind up anticlimactically having doused ourselves in cold water for nothing. But either way, be it smoke or fire, at least we'll be getting our feet wet.
*Note: Did I mention that I am planning to abuse overly verbose and cumbersome sentences while on break from technical writing? Or, rather, I should say that verbose and cumbersome sentences will be avoided while summer break is being enjoyed, because passive voice will be abused as well. Muah ha ha.