Aug 29, 2004 10:32
[first grade]
What were you like: always running around and playing in the sadn with the boys
Who was your teacher: Ms. Shradder
Who was your best friend: Renee and christina
Who did you have a crush on: i think dalfino (what a chuntie name!)
Something random: i had hiccups one day and the teach couldnt hear me so i just yellled it out right when everyone got quiet. it was one of those moments...
[second grade]
What were you like: pretty much like 1st grade
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Gilson
Who was your best friend: still renee and christina
Who did you have a crush on: peter
Something random: i cried cuz i couldnt do math very well...i still do that by the way
[third grade]
What were you like: still tomboyish
Who was your teacher: Mr. E (it was really long and we didnt have to spell it)
Who was your best friend: still renee and christina
Who did you have a crush on: John Van Aulst (the daycare guy, i set my sights high)
Something random: the teacher thought it would be CLEVER to tease me in front of the whole class and i didnt think it was cool so i did my best to throw a desk, thats right a DESK at him, i missed and got in a world of trouble...
[fourth grade]
What were you like: tomboyish and had the rep for being a "badass"
Who was your teacher: Ms. Gilson
Who was your best friend: Renee and Christina (my posse by now!)
Who did you have a crush on: Eric (sheesh i'm a crush slut!)
Something random: remember the math comment? well i went to Math Olympics this year in problem solving (i still cry over math though)
[fifth grade]
What were you like: tomboyish with a lot of clout now, still a badass
Who was your teacher: Ms. May
Who was your best friend: Renee and Christina (but Christina left school but we were still tight)
Who did you have a crush on: Adam (awww cuuuuuuuuuute)
Something random: being the asshole that i am i "stole" this girl's pic of her dad and hid it in someone else's desk, then when she found out it was me she threatened to kick my ass (she was up to my chest by the way). so i just pushed her aside and dusted it off my shoulder and told her it was just a joke and to relax. (imma BITCH! stealing pics of parents to kicks MEAN!)
[sixth grade]
What were you like: tomboyish and pissed off for being at a new school. i rarely smiled
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Ferrell
Who was your best friend: renee, christina fell off the face of the earth, but there's this one girl TAMIE who was cool (i guess)
Who did you have a crush on: Matt (hehehe)
Something random: i cried cuz i missed my old school, my old friends. i also got hit in the head with a tetherball
[seventh grade]
What were you like: tomboyish still, but since the classes were so small my circle of friends were ride or die cool and we always kicked it with the 8th graders (my broham was in that grade). i rarely smiled
Who was your teacher: Ms. Fatass Friedrich
Who was your best friend: Tamie (there was also this really shy and quite girl named nicole...) and Susie i think
Who did you have a crush on: Jordan (who didnt? he was the crush du jour) and Greg also a hottie, i swear Dave has had some hottie friends...
Something random: Tamie swore she would never wear any "tops" only t-shirts (right) now she's miss skimpy top girl hehehe
[eighth grade]
What were you like: still a tomboy, but not as bad. i rarely smiled
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Nameth
Who was your best friend: Tamie (Nicole too but dating my bro ew!)
Who did you have a crush on: Brandon, Adam, Travis, Jordan, Greg...
Something random: i was really worried that after graduation i would lose all my best friends and it would be like renee all over again, which terrified me and i didnt want to start over...
[ninth grade]
What were you like: SHY! not so much a tomboy i guess, just not trendy with a sad realization that i was POOR...still trying to smile or find reasons to, seeing how my BFF of all time was in another county 3 freeways away at a school i wanted to go to.
Who was your teacher: Home room was MR. Sherman and Mrs. Schacter
Who was your best friend: Tamie and Nicole (sorta)
Who did you have a crush on: Adam, Mike Reese, and Hans (hehehe what a bod!)
Something random: i had no friends, well actually i hung out with the geeks and ate lunch alone. Nicole and David were dating AGAIN and she was so much cooler than i was...
[tenth grade]
What were you like: still shy and sadly a small leader of geeks, but i started to pull away from them and found Seth and Chad and Matt. trying desperately to be someone, anyone just not ME. still working on that smile...
Who was your teacher: Mr. Juergensen
Who was your best friend: Tamie and Nicole (sorta)
Who did you have a crush on: no one (wow...)
Something random: i actaully had friends and didnt mind going to football games cuz now i had people to sit with...
[eleventh grade]
What were you like: outgoing as hell! over the summer i decided that i wasnt going to give a fuck what others thought of me and i was going to be me. i stated to smile a lot more.
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Harris
Who was your best friend: Tamie and Nicole; Melanie was my best in school friend...
Who did you have a crush on: Matt Heim, Paul (now gay), Mike Bristol, Micheal Marion (strumming his guitar), and the hottie of them all Chirs Ziegler (oh damn that boy is fine). and Adam (an oldie but goodie)
Something random: i had more friends than i knew what to do with and i had many older ones (thanks dave!). and there was this one girl who thought she was just smarter than anyone else around her and couldnt understand how I got into AP bio as a junior and she didnt...tear NOT what a bitch! ok one last thing, for some reason Seth and I no longer friends...still havent figured that one out and kinda miss the conversation
[twelfth grade]
What were you like: outgoing, popular, involved in school, getting grades that i want NOW, and just all around HAPPY!!! i was on leadership, yearbook, in soccer, voted class clown, and on prom court...good times i tell ya
Who was your best friend: Tamie and Nicole. In school best bud would have to be John
Who did you have a crush on: still Matt Heim, Dave Lopez (but no one knew that one hehehehe)
Something random: i won prom court! i know i already mentioned that, but isnt that like mecca for high school? well that and losing your virginity before college (never got around to that one)
[College grade]
What were you like: excited and over confident...
Who was your teacher: youre joking right?
Who was your best friend: Tamie and Nicole (my bitches!)
Who did you have a crush on: ummm no one
Something random: after further consideration i no longer love biology like i once did in high school, and would like pursue other endeavors, like public service or media. i do NOT want to be a nurse, but i think that inevitable. all that to be a nurse... interesting wanna hear a joke?
how do you make God Laugh?
make plans!