Beloved friend, come join me here to admire the golden tree outside my window. See how the leaves glow and the droplets of water sparkle in the sunlight. And if we look very carefully, we might catch the flash of iridescence of a hummingbird flitting this way and that through the fluttering leaves. Now we sit together and drink tea, you and I, our hands feeling the warmth of the cups while we speak of beauty and loss and trust.
We look into each other’s eyes, the words fall silent, and we feel the swell of our hearts. Sweet love blooms between us, beyond us into the golden tree with the moving leaves and the tiny bird. We sit in deep stillness while the world vibrates with its movement, and then we hear it, the surging of life in our bodies, the heart pumping blood, the cells regenerating, the nervous system resonating with the sound of the universe.
And we stare in grateful wonder when we find the hummingbird darting into our heart, the leaves caressing our hair, the branches holding our spine. What does it mean, this unexpected glimpse? Oh dear friend, we don’t need to know what it means. All we need do is let our hearts break wide open to feel it tenderly, to know it so deeply that all questions die away into its vastness. It is that most intimate you, it is me, it is beauty, it is love, it is the source and expression of all creativity, it is the exquisite shimmering of life.