What's showing up in my universe

May 22, 2012 12:18

It's a lovely quiet rainy day, a breather in a busy time.  My son is off to his Destination Imagination team global competition in Tennessee.  My husband is in Texas somewhere for business.  My daughter is back in Seattle after a couple days of visiting.  And I'm home alone to do as I please today.  So here I am.

In the last month I've been helping my mom get ready to move into a retirement apartment.  She finally sold her house, and now it's a race to pare down her three bedroom plus stuffed full garage into a one bedroom apartment.  It's hard for her to let go of things because everything has an emotional memory attached to it.  I go down several times a week to sort and get rid of stuff with her, and she tells me a story about many of the pieces that come out of the boxes in her garage.  Much of it is mildewed, and if it were my stuff, I'd throw it away quickly.  But I sit with her and listen to her memories about her long life.  Our lives are all interesting stories, aren't they?  My mom has been a difficult person to live with, but as she's gotten older and her memory getting hazier, she's becoming more child-like and less prone to referring back to her anger and bitterness about things that she actually created.  Despite the time crunch and sheer volume of stuff to do in four weeks, it's a special time for both of us to share our memories together as well as her life before she became a mother.

So I haven't been writing as much fiction as I'd like, but I've been continuing my education and blog postings on the food system in our country.  It's been an interesting journey to discover how little we as consumers know about how big corporations are manipulating the food system for their own profits.  I won't go into more here other than to say, if you are interested in knowing more, I've started a FB page that's linked to my blog.  I know many of you aren't local, but I've been writing about issues that affect us all, and if that interests you, please "like" my page.

You know, life is simply amazing.  As I've let go of ideas of what I should be doing or the outcome of what I do, the universe just hands me what needs to be done.  I move with whatever shows up and feel tremendously blessed by all of it.

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