a quick post

Oct 05, 2011 09:29

I haven't been here much lately, and there's a reason for it.  Well of course there's a reason, there always is, right?  Well, um, er, I've been immersed in the Word Press world trying to get another blog started.  No, no, I'm not leaving LJ!  I love this community and all the wonderful  support here, and besides, it's not going to be a writing blog.   It's something that has been bubbling inside my head and heart until the universe pushed me to do something about it.  It's a blog about supporting locally grown foods, meeting local farmers, and reducing my footprint on our planet.  I'm still thinking it all through, but I'm hoping some of you might drop in when it goes public so I don't feel all alone out there in the big Word Press world.  ;)

And I'm still writing, but somehow I've been very interior about it lately.  It just seems that sometimes other things need saying, and I guess this is one of those times.
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