Friday five

May 27, 2011 08:56

1. After a $75 service call, the verdict on our washing machine: (to put it into the eloquent words of a sign at a laundromat in Illinois many years ago) Machine don't warsh no more.  And that's after just replacing our refrigerator, oven, and microwave.  So it's off to the laundromat today.  At least the library is next door.

2.  Memorial day weekend is a big camping weekend here in Oregon.  Only problem is that winter has rudely intruded on our spring, and so most campgrounds are still under 12 or more feet of snow.  But that doesn't stop some hardy Oregonians--according to an article in the paper, Lost Lake resort on Mt. Hood has cleared part of the campground and is open for business.  Um, my tent is staying packed up in the storage room until August, thank you very much.  Brrr.

3.  In two weeks, daughter is moving up to Seattle to direct a sailing camp at a yacht club.  She's excited, and we'll miss her terribly.  She's just hoping the cold rain will move on by then.

4.  It's hard to believe son's fifth year of home/eclectic schooling is almost finished.  He ends his year with a piano recital and a rock band performance (he'll play keyboards and guitar.)  Makes a momma proud.  :)

5.  I finished another little story this week.  Seems like I'm on a roll with those short shorts...though I still (secretly!) think a lot about The Quince Tree.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, all!         
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