Dec 07, 2005 07:16
I was in a car accident on the 5th, and totalled my best friend's car. I was driving and stopped at a red light... I should have run the fucking thing. Some idiot rear ended me. Then he asked me to move the car out of the road. The car wouldn't move, not only that... but it is leaving the scene of the crime. Found out later... he didn't have a driver's liscense. We thought that he had insurance, but to find out later that it was void. Luckily, the police officer arrested him. He was arrested for not having a licsense, but also because there were other warrents out for his arrest. I was rushed to the hospital in a neck brace in the ambulance along with Ian, and Nate, my best friend's son. We all had whiplash, but mine was the worst case... I have been taking the muscle relaxers, and pain pills for the last couple days, and it only makes my stomach kind of sick. Other than that the pain is not there... until the drugs wear off... :(