Dec 15, 2006 02:00
Today I discovered that if you crack and egg into a bowl, then put it in the microwave for about 45 seconds, it comes out as cooked egg that you can eat!!
Why my mother let me go to university without knowing this fact I will never understand.
I'm home now, home is like uni except you don't have to pay for your washing, people make you food, there is always food in the house, your mum makes you bed and your house has carpet... so yeh nothing like uni, and I'm loving being home. Am going to London tomorrow for the weekend though, catch up with a few people and see my friends Katie and John get baptised which is very exciting!
PS: With regard to my programming project, I stressed out about it for several weeks before remembering that my mum was a computer programmer for 20 years, thus I came home and she helped me and now it's done. Me=v. happy.