Ghosts from the Past
Fandom: Heroes
Characters/Pairings: Peter/Sylar, Matt, Angela Petrelli
Rating: PGish
Summary: Just going with season 4 again, just rolling with the whole "Sylar stuck in Matt's head" deal.
Warnings: Season 4 stuff, if you haven't seen it. Probably season 3 too, if you want to get technical. Also some gayness, sort of.
Here. )
You're making this season far better than it actually is.
Sylar wanting his body back because of Peter feels so right.
Thank you so much for writing Pylar fics!!
I think that if the writers listened to us fan fic writers, the season's ratings would be much higher.
ha ha.
Though the rantings are worring me now...
It'd be like Chuck, it would be brought back.
They may have lost viewers, but the fans who are still with the show are crazy.
Makes me sad everytime I hear the rantings are falling down...
Just now that the season really started for me. This last episode was awesome.
I mean, her power is pretty cool, but I hate that they always come up with characters for the other characters to randomly hook up with.
And Emma is a little old for Peter. I don't feel any chemistry at all.
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