(no subject)

Sep 03, 2006 23:58

If your not the in mood to listen to ranting, I sugest you pass over this entry.

Yup, belive it or not, Nick is actually making an entry in LiveJournal! I know its been forever right?
Lot has happened since I last entered anything into this thing. Found the one person I could only dream about and not only that, but hit it off and hit it hard. Feelings have developed, yada yada, followed quickly by pain because the boy lives in fucking Boston (or close to it anyway).

Mini-sumer-fling died too, havent heard back from the boy since. (Dont realy care that much ether...hm.) But yes, most definetly have developed a heavy liking for this other guy and naturally problems have come and gone. yada yada, I know im boring you even more so than you must have been to actually read this.

So yea, planning on flying out to see this kiddo face to face for New Years. Unfortunetly plane tickets cost 400 bucks for round trip at that time of year. And I have but $15 saved up. Sad, right?
So naturally i need money/a job. So like the smart lil boy I am, I go looking for a job.
Every single fucking place is like, no longer hiring just to spite me! GAH!

So yea. Need to scrounge together nearly 400 bucks by November. "Good luck Nick", right?
Shouldnt be that hard though. Theft is looking pretty good right now, heh.
Maybe the local prostitution spots have an opening. That makes pretty good money and there are freaks out there who'd pay for this! Sadly they are into unatractive-skeleton-thin-wackos like myself.

So yea....i need to go reherse my monologue for auditions that are TOMARROW! AHHH!!!
Wish me luck!

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