Random Quiz thingy

Mar 20, 2006 23:29

T.h.e. W.h.o.s

1. Who is in the house with you?
Family (mom,dad,brothers,grandparents)

2. Who was the last person to IM you?

3. Who are you thinking about now?
Kingdom Hearts and/or Everworld

3. Who did you last talk to on the phone?

4. Who's house did you last go to?
Kileigh's, the den of the beast

5. Who are your best (girl) friends?
Megan, Anna, Kileigh, Angie, Mallory, Chelsea

6. Who are your best (guy) friends?
Eric, Wes, Hayden, Thomas, Porter(?)

7. Who do you sit next to in you 2nd period class?
I dont have a 2ed period! HA!!

8. Who is you favorite teacher?
Mr. TJ Thomas. I mean come on, no contest! The only adult who still has an inner child...that appears in his daily life 24/7.

9. Who's birthday is next?
Wes' I think

10. Who was the last person you told you love them?
Mom, a short while ago only cus she said it first and wouldnt leave me alone

11. Who do you wish you were with right now?
Who? Damn! Uh...OH! Ellen!

12. Who's you favorite relative?
There are a few.

13. Who gets on your nerves the most from your school?
There are alot of people who do, most of them without names. *shifty eyes*

14. Who do you hope will take this survey?
...I dont care.

T.H.E. W.H.E.R.E.S.

1.Where do you go to school?

2. Where do you live?

3.Where is your phone?
Which one?

4.Where are your parents?
Upstairs, sleeping

5. Where do you sleep?
On that slab of clouds and fluffiness I call a bed

6. Where do you shop the most?
I dont really "shop"

7. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
Christmas Present

8. Where did you last take a car ride to?
Kileigh's house to mine.

9. Where in your house are you?
The Home Office of Evil

10. Where did you get this survey?
That crazy cat lady down the street....or Kileigh, I get them confuzzled.

T.H.E. W.H.A.T.S.

1.What was the last thing you ate?
Dad's pasta n' New York Cheesecake! YUM!

2. What was the last thing you drank?
Pineapple-Oragne Juice

3. What color pants are you wearing?
Black with...oddly, bright yellow neon inside

4. What kind of cell phone do you have?
T-Mobile, Samsung?

5. What is the closest item near you that is blue?
...there are no blue things in this room...whoa!

6. What do you like about school?
It's got a stage...?

7. What is your gender preference (guy or girl)?
I'd like to continue being a guy, thanks!

8. What are you wearing on your feet?
White socks....wow that was anti-climactic

9.What instant messaging service do you use?

10. What is your favorite color?

11. What is your screen name?
Depends, on what?

12.What is your most used away message?

13. What is your favorite website?

14. What is your favorite shoe brand?
uh....i dont know

15. What do you wear more; jeans or skirts?
Jeans...then again...

16. What is the last movie watched?
Eddie Izzard's Dress to Kill

17. What song do you currently hear?

T.H.E. W.H.Y.S.

1. Why are you taking this survey?
I'm bored

2. Why does basically half the world have a myspace?
Because Tom has a friend fedish and wants to gain the WHOLE WORLDS friendship and turn against all government and overthrow the world's known order as we know it and cast this pathetic blue ball we call a home into the fires and bowels of the darkest pits of hell!!!!!

3. Why do we have to go to school?
Cus if we didnt, those nice buildings would just go to waist

4. Why are (some) guys jerks?
To balance out the bitchy girls as Kileigh said

5. Why did you take this particular survey?
It was thrust into me like a sword into an Aztec (Thank you Everworld)

6. Why are your best friends your best friends?
Because the mind control hasnt worn off yet

7. Why are people labeled (like emo, goth, prep etc.)?
Like I can answer that! I'm a "Drama Nerd"

8. Why is wood brown?
It was the only collor God had left in the crayon box

9. Why do the people on the news repeat the same stuff over and over?
They've run out of news besides "Things are getting worse"

10. Why is everyone obsessed over the olympics?
Well, Eric was born during them so there's one out of a bazillion...the others are just hoping one day we go back to how it was in ancient times and do them all in the nude *shrug*

T.H.E. W.H.E.N.S.

1. When did everyone become obsessed with myspace?
When hell froze over, about the same time Bush got elected, Martha Stuert was locked away, Oprah commited adultry, cell phones only got better, internet got worse, and news casters starting saying the same things over and over.

2. When did you start school?
Um...back in the days of yore?

3. When did you meet your best friend?
School, even if I didnt know them just yet

4. When is your birthday?
December 14th

5. When did you last go to the mall?
Three days ago, yay PENN (Pathetic Eric & Nick Night)

6. When did you last buy a new pair of pants?
I get pants from others...oddly enough my last ones are from my aunt...

7. When did you last burn a candle?
Like...just light it? Yesterday

8. When were you last at school?
HAH! Like, four DAYS ago!

9. When did you last see your dad?
Before he went to bed, an hour ago

10. When did you last take a shower?
This morning
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