Feel free to blame Anna

Feb 14, 2011 23:51

I has no tv in the new apartment until tomorrow, and I wanted something fun to put on while unpacking. And dogwoodblossom has been talking it up and I've enjoyed the few current episodes I've seen. So yeah, I broke down and rented the first season of "Chuck".

And oh my god you guys it's awesome.

Seriously, how does this not have a bigger fandom? It's pretty much everything fandom wants in a show.

Ridiculous sci-fi-ish premise? Check.
Nerdy in-jokes? Boy howdy.
Genre mixing to the point of complete inability to explain itself? Oh, yes.
Pretty people in various states of undress at least once an episode? You'd better believe it.
Potential slash pairings up the proverbial wazoo, complete with*canon* flirting/man love/bromance? Do I even need to say it?

Oh, and did I mention Adam Baldwin? Because ADAM BALDWIN.

Anyway, I'm kind of on a Chuck kick atm, so brace yourselves. I finished s1 last night, and it was awesome (Awesome, btw, being the adjective you will most use after watching Chuck, for there is a character named Captain Awesome, who is awesome. As you might guess). Took the discs back to Blockbuster to get season 2, and IT WAS CHECKED OUT OH NOEZ! So I went to get caught up on Dexter s4, AND IT WAS OUT TOO! *sigh* My life is so hard.

Damn, if I'd have known, I would have kept the last disc of season 1 and rewatched Undercover Lover twelve more times. That episode is 100% USDA-approved win covered in awesomesauce. And not just because it's all Casey-centric (Adam Baldwin, how are you so awesome?).

Guess I'll have to tide myself over with fic. Yay I finally know something about Bryce so I can read those without being totally confused. Wooooo!

adam baldwin secret lover, chuck is awesome, phone post

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