Pegasus Love Potion

Oct 12, 2007 08:35

Greetings all... I found my way here via annerbhp who suggested I post this story here. I am so behind I didn't know you guys had a comm! How shameful of me. ;)

Title: Pegasus Love Potion
Author: Shelby (gateruner)
E-mail: gateruner2000 at
Feedback: yes, please!
Archive: LJ, my website. Any place else, just ask.
Category: Lorne/Novak and a surprise at the end.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None really.

Summary: Small ficlet written for wive, who wanted a Lorne/Novak piece.

Disclaimer: They aren’t mine, I don’t own them, don’t make any money from them, just playing, honest.

Pegasus Love Potion

Lindsey trudged her way back to her quarters, her shoulders slumped in utter defeat. Poker was definitely not her strong suit. It was bad enough she lost all her treats, now she was facing an empty bed and a bottle of something that Teyla assured her was much stronger than Athosian Wine. Lindsey lifted the bottle one more time as she studied the homemade label. The lady warrior slipped it under Lindsey’s arm at the end of the game, telling her not to be too upset at her loss.

It was hard not to be, considering she’d lost her mother’s homemade chocolate treats with two pair, but Lindsey accepted the gift and now she was curious as to just what Teyla had bestowed upon her.

She turned the corner on instinct, ready to make a beeline for her room when she stumbled right into someone else’s arms. She reached out to steady herself and lost her grip on the bottle.

Another pair of hands, strong and sure, caught the bottle in mid-air, “Woah!”

Lindsey took a deep breath, inhaling the rich and earthy scent of the man before her. He smelled of smoke and alcohol, mingled with some sort of cologne that she was sure she knew, but couldn’t quite place. “I, uh, oh gosh, I’m so sorry!” She felt her cheeks begin to burn. Dear god, don’t start with the hiccups, please!

He flashed a quick smile, “It’s okay, Novak.”

Lindsey felt her stomach flutter and her knees grow weak as he cocked his head and smiled. She’d always thought of Evan Lorne as charming, but never considered him to even be in the same league as her. And her league was pretty small and the batting average wasn’t so great either.

“So, what is it you’ve got here?” Evan Lorne turned the bottle around in his hands, “Athosian hooch, huh?” He cocked his eyebrows, “I hear this stuff packs quite a punch.”

“Teyla gave it to me.” Lindsey blurted.

“Really?” Lorne studied the bottle more intently, “Ever had any? I heard Hollings got wasted on this stuff during one of the festivals on the mainland. Dr. Beckett said he was puking for like two days straight.”

It wasn’t an image that Lindsey particularly relished at the moment and she wrinkled her nose at the thought. What she didn’t expect was Lorne’s reaction. He gave an all out grin, “You haven’t have you?”

Lindsey tried for nonchalant, “No, I haven’t. Like I said, Teyla just gave it to me tonight.”

Evan shook his head and handed over the bottle, “Just be careful with that stuff. I certainly wouldn’t want you ending up in the infirmary.”

Lindsey took the bottle back, “Thanks. I’ll remember that.” She gave a small smile, her cheeks still burning as she pushed her hair behind one ear.

“Well, I had better get going,” Lorne motioned down the corridor as Lindsey sidestepped the Major. “You look good tonight, Lindsey.” Evan winked as he walked away, leaving her stunned and little breathless.

It took her a moment to collect herself. What the hell, Lindsey thought. Maybe it was the wine from the game or just the way he looked at her, but she felt bolder than before. She took a deep breath and blurted out, “Major, wait!”

Lorne stopped mid stride and turned around, “Yes, Doctor?” He gave a broad almost knowing grin that caused Lindsey to stammer.

“I, uh, I was, I mean, I just thought maybe…” Lindsey took a deep breath, feeling her resolve slowly crumbling.

“Yes?” Evan stepped closer, slowly moving towards his goal. Lindsey was turning a deep shade of crimson that spread from her ears all the way down her neck and throat. Evan found himself wondering just how far down her cotton blouse that blush went.

“I was wondering if you would you like to try some of this,” Lindsey held the bottle up and felt herself involuntarily stepping backwards until her back hit the wall and Evan was right in front of her.

Evan laughed, “Ease up Novak, I won’t bite.” He reached out and took the bottle from her shaking hands. “Unless you want me to.”

Around the corner, Teyla and Ronon watched with mild amusement as the Major cornered the Doctor in the hallway. Teyla grinned as she watched Lorne take the bottle from Lindsey’s hands and guide her down the hallway towards his quarters.

“That went well,” Teyla nodded in satisfaction.

“So what’s in the bottle?” Ronon inquired as he drank from a metal cup.

“That would be…” Teyla paused, “an old Athosian love potion that was passed down by my ancestors.”

“Does it work?” Ronon took another swig from his cup.

“I don’t know,” Teyla raised an eyebrow. “You tell me.”

The End
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