Mar 18, 2007 22:02
I think that this summer is gearing up to suck ass. I know I'm going to end up working two bitch-work shift jobs...
God I hate minimum wage. I am so sick of minimum wage. I don't know how I'm going to be able to survive next year on minimum wage.
But there is truly nothing (more) I can do about it.
It also makes me sad that after I have decided to come home in May, I find out that both Brand New and the Dresden Dolls will be in Toronto over the summer but aren't coming to Ottawa! It is the damn capital of Canada! Stop ignoring us already!!
Not that I would have the money to see them anyway...
Things aren't so excellent right now, and on top of that I have been sleeping very badly, so sorry for the random venting...
On a less life-is-annoying-and-we-should-go-back-to-the-bartering-system note:
I do indeed have an apartment for next year! It's pretty damn nice, and we get a dishwasher AND washer+dryer in the apartment so that is a plus. The building is awesome, and has a gym and this little mini-theatre where you can play DVDs on the big screen, a party room, etc. Plus it's really close to campus!
It's a bit weird the way we are doing it because it IS technically a one-bedroom apartment, but there is a huge den which will be one person's room and then a big living room which will also be someone's room.. so yeh!
You must all come visit next year :D