[Lorne got ready to leave the Condo to go into Wolfram and Hart to work, finishing off his Sea Breeze and putting on his jacket.
It had been three weeks since the
accident and he was starting to feel like he was himself again. At least physically. However, emotionally, he was a mess, not that anyone had noticed yet...
He'd been feeling really down lately. He couldn't explain it. He had all of his friends around him, and yes they helped to cheer him up, when they were around, but the moment he was alone...
The moment he was alone, all he could do was remember. Remember Fred singing 'You are my Sunshine' and seeing that vision in his head. Remember taking that fateful step that changed his life again. Remember what it had felt like to be loved... and to have that taken away. He wondered what was wrong with himself. He could smile for everyone else, but when he was alone, that smile went away.
He tried so hard to be strong for
Gil, the young wizard had done so much to help him over these past few weeks and even now was a great friend.
He was concerned about
Kurt, it had been almost five weeks sense he'd heard anything from the man he'd come so close to marrying. Not a peep sense he'd left. And no one was telling him anything either. He wondered if Kurt would ever come and explain why he'd left, again. At least to give some form of closure to that part of his life. He knew that
Abby had given Kurt the news about what had happened, and he was almost surprised that there had not even been a e-mail to see if he was alright. It was that which concerned him, but Abby said he was doing all right, though no more than that.
It didn't matter any longer, as far as he was concerned. He'd put on his smile, walked out the door and people would see what he wanted them to see. Perhaps soon, he'd actually feel the way he looked.]