Jan 04, 2007 00:14
Is this forreal? The year we've all been waiting for is finally here. We're the class of '07, how come i still feel like a freshman? I'm so ready to get out of here, but idk if i'm actually ready, idk how i'll be in college.. I'm not used to change, and i'm not very good at coping with it. I just need to get out of the house.
So far this year went by real fast, it's weird how i can say that yet i'm still wanting it to go by even faster. I know when May comes around i'm going to wish it would slow down, i know i'm going to cry my eyes out when i say good bye to everyone and i know i'm going to wish i did more during my senior year, perhaps actually hung out with seniors. But you know what? if i learned anything this year it's how to be content with life and accept what's given to me.
I met the best of friends ever this year, and a few i've kept from last.
And i met the best boy friend ever, he's just amazing. And i can't remember being happier. This year i did alot of growing up, and at first i thought i 'd try and distance myself from highschoolers because i was going to have to leave them soon anyways, then i realized how fucking dumb that idea was. we have to enjoy every second we can before it's snatched from under us. We have to enjoy being a teenager before we're told to "finally grow up". and most importatnly we have to accept the fact our parents call us and give us a curfew(even if we lie and don't listen), because in a couple months that wont happen.
In a couple months it's time to grow up forreal. It's time to say goodbye to the people we're used to seeing every single day, and say hello to brand new faces and friendships.
2007 is going to be amazing. I'm goin to turn 18, graduate, start college. And to make it even better i'm starting the year off with the best boy a girl could ever ask for.
So i don't forget, new years eve was spent at CMU at geoffs apt. with the boyfriend and some amazing friends.♥
if anyone remembers what i did last new years please tell me! it has been killlling me.