The long wait is finally over...

Jul 04, 2008 09:46

Despite impressions I may have given earlier, I actually arrived in Canada as a permanent resident yesterday evening. It was remarkably easy crossing the border, and the only hard part of the drive was some nasty thunderstorms heading into Snoquamie Pass, but that cleared up before we hit the pass proper, and then lots of heat and mugginess on the eastern side of the mountains. Oh yes, and some miscommunication between my parents and myself resulting in some nearly-bust bladders as we passed rest stop after rest stop waiting for the other car to pull off (why they waited for me I don't know since I was following them...). For now, I have lots of unpacking to do and not a whole lot of space to work with, and I have to apply for my SIN today (how Shadowrun-esque) so when I get a job (hopefully soon) I can actually work it. There is much to do, and less time to do it in.
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