Dec 30, 2006 16:55
Wow I have not been this happy in ages! Honestly this year could not have turned out any better. I have really grown through this first semester in college that it amazes me. I have changed into a person that I need to be in order to succeed. I have become a better person with my family and my friends. And most importantly I have become a better girl for myself.
Well lets look back at the beginning of the school year. I had no goals except that I wanted to make some pretty gosh darn good grades to prove I can handle college. Besides that I was just going to go with the flow and see what happens from then.
Of course the school year did not remain that way. As the first semester came and left I have learned more about the world, people, and myself then I have ever learned before.
I realized that college isn’t that easy and if you want to make good grades you have to work for them. But I never realized how enjoyable work can be when you are doing something you love. I have grown to love going to school and I can not wait till next semester. I know that I am going to rock the house with my grades again and I know I’ll be able to maintain it.
I also learned a lot about people. When I started the school year I thought that I had met the best people in the world and that no one could be better then them. I also thought that my friends would be there for me no matter what. HA was I wrong. I realized that the same people that I thought were so great ended up being the same people who ended up hurting me the most. And I realized that those friends I had made would never keep in touch with me even if their lives depended on it. But don’t think I’m bitter lol. Honestly I’m glad with what I learned. Seeing that side of people. If I had not seen that now then who knows what would have happened in the future when someone would try the same thing on me. It really taught me who I can and who I can’t go to. Plus in this huge mess where I was seeing the true side of people God placed amazing new people in my life. I was so surprised by those that I would meet in the semester and more surprised that they were there for me more then people had been there for me in years past. It was amazing and a true blessing to find people who could be my friends yet still hold me accountable for my actions.
Now to my family. Man have I grown so close to them! I used to think I could do without them but I see how much they are always there for me. And I also see how much there opinion matters to me. Not in a bad way but they protect me through the feed back that they give me and I love it. All of my brothers have grown up so much and we can all communicate so well with one another. And then my mother and I are best friends again. I honestly tell her anything and everything. And I come to realize that if I can’t tell my mom something then I probably shouldn’t be doing it. But its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great having everyone’s opinion. For instance, last night, I had my friend Alben over to meet all of my family. Now Alben and I met about two weeks ago and we are both interested in each other but we both did something that surprised me. He had me meet his family and then I had him meet my family. We’re not even dating but I wanted to know exactly what my family thought of him. And for the first time EVER everyone approved lol. My brothers were cracking jokes with him. My dad and him had a really long convo. And my mom was just so sweet with him. He felt so welcomed at my house and then next thing I know my dad was just like “if you ever need anything or you’re near our home you’re more then welcomed to come by.” Which is amazing and has only been said before to Scottie and Blake. Plus he said that his family really liked me. He said that everyone thought I was a super sweet girl and his brother (who is like his best friend) approved of me. It is just so cool seeing how we are both handling this because though I haven’t known him to long and I’m still not jumping into anything he has just been a complete gentleman. We’ve gone out on a few dates and he hasn’t even come close to pressuring me into anything. We haven’t kissed or anything but I love it that way. He is always opening the door and paying for me and coming to see me… I’m so not used to this treatment but I’m getting used to it fast and loving it lol.
And besides all of this I’m just so proud of myself. I’ve set out so many goals for next semester. And I’ve become a better person. Honestly I work ten times harder at everything I do. And I network so much better with people. Most importantly I hold closer to my morals then ever before and I never settle for less which is amazing to me because before I would still let things get by my standards even though it would upset me and now… eh I don’t do that lol.
Ahhh I just love the way this year is closing. I’m at such peace with everything and I think God is really proud of how much I’ve grown and how much closer I’ve gotten to Him.