an actual post!

Dec 08, 2006 01:27

Wow so I haven't taken up the time to really fill this out like I should have. It's weird actually having the time to be able to do so but I guess that is because the semester is pretty much over. Well I have to say that I'm super proud of myself for how well I've done this semester. I'll just going over everything...

First off this semester I learned alot about myself and made alot of new friends. I've never had friends before who would hold me accountable for EVERYTHING I do and honestly I'm so happy I have them now. I can't believe that I've only known these people for a few short months. It feels like I've known most of them all my life. It's pretty crazy actually but hey I'm glad they're going through everything with me.

Then I left my old church and started going to a new church. lol This is a whole different story on it's own. It was a really big deal and alot of stuff went on around this leave but in the end I'm happy with my decision. I've learned so much on my own and I've become so much closer to God. It feels like stepping out on my own to see what else He wants for my path has made me stronger and closer to Him because in the end who else do I have but Him?

Then there is school. Wow. I'm so surprised at how well I did. Honestly I was never this good of a student when I was in high school. I always slacked off and I never took up leadership or anything over at Crooms. Now I'm involved in clubs, I'm going to be joining the honors program, and my grades just rock. I'm praying for all A's cause I think thats what I deserve with the work I've put in but hey I'll see for sure when I get my report card. Either way I rocked out my first semester. :D

And now just to me... I'm so happy with the person I have become, the things I've learned, and the way I've changed. I'm making good decisions and hanging out with awesome friends. I have learned more in this first semester of college then I have learned in my entire life. And I've changed my attitude so much from how it used to be. As said before with having friends who hold you accountable, you really learn you're strengths and you're weaknesses and you turn it all around to become the best person you can possibly be.

As I said before on my last post I'm taking:

English 2
Intro to Astronomy
Intro to Psychology
Intro to Philosophy

&&&&& now I will be taking:

Intro to the Honors Program

Which should be an easy class but eh I'm worried about taking an honors class. I know I can do it because I'm a great student but I hope the work load isn't crazy. This year had way to much but thats because of the hands on activities needed.

Well I'm going to get going now. Christmas is coming around the corner and I'm so excited! I don't think I've ever been this happy about the holidays every. I can't wait for my family to come home and we all spend it together and having my friends with me! I love them all!!!
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